Contra el ratón
iba I was going =
Viajaba I was travelling =
Me alojaba I was staying =
Veía I used to see =
Jugaba I was playing =
Hacía I was doing =
era It was =
Compraba I used to buy =
Tenía que I used to have to =
Leía I was reading =
Trabajaba I was working =
Salía I used to go out =
Nos alojábamos we were staying =
ibámos We used to go =
escribía I used to write =
visitábamos We were visiting =
jugábamos We were playing =
veíamos We used to see =
comprábamos We used to buy =
hacíamos We used to do =
hacía he used to do =
salían They used to go out =
jugaban They were playing =
iban They were going =