LEADERSHIP TRAITS & SKILLS APAMSA Leadership Development Module
Leadership Traits & Skills adaptable ambitious assertive cooperative decisive dependable persistent responsible self-confident stress tolerant intelligent knowledgeable conceptually skilled creative diplomatic tactful fluent in speaking organized persuasive sociable Leader Traits Leader Skills Source: R.M. Stodill, Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of the Literature (New York: Free Press, 1974)
Leadership Development Leadership Traits & Skills Review the effective leadership traits & skills discussed separately in this module Identify the 2 trait(s) and 2 skill(s) viewed as your strengths Identify the 2 trait(s) and 2 skill(s) viewed as your weaknesses Leadership Challenge (2)
Leadership Traits & Skills High energy level & stress tolerance Self-confidence Internal locus of control Emotional stability & maturity Personal integrity Socialized power motivation Moderately high achievement orientation Moderately low need for affiliation Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills High Energy Level & Stress Tolerance Ability to cope with a hectic schedule, unrelenting pressure, and difficult situations Composed and calm under stress, problem-focused, confident and decisive Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Self-Confidence Ability to influence others, take initiative and be persistent, optimistic, and decisive in a crisis Attempts difficult tasks, action-oriented, sets challenging goals and high expectations Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Internal Locus of Control Ability to take responsibility for own actions and learn from own mistakes Future-oriented, proactive, believes events are determined by our actions and not by chance Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Emotional Stability & Maturity Ability to care about other people, control own emotions, take criticism constructively Aware of own strengths/weaknesses, focused on self- improvement, keeps high moral standards Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Personal Integrity Ability to be consistently honest, ethical, trustworthy, and loyal to followers Keeps promises and confidential information, sets an example with own behavior Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Socialized Power Motivation Ability to participate, coach, and exercise power for the benefit of others Power used to build up the organization and create team pride Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Moderately High Achievement Orientation Ability to set challenging but realistic goals, organize tasks, perform efficiently, and take specific action plans Desires to excel and succeed, task-oriented, solves problems, emphasizes performance Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Moderately Low Need For Affiliation Ability to make unpopular decisions, rewards for effective performance and not for approval Work-focused, avoids favoritism, addresses genuine differences vs. avoiding confrontation Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Traits Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Traits & Skills Technical skills Interpersonal skills Conceptual skills Emotional intelligence Social intelligence Systems thinking Ability to learn Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Technical Skills Knowledgeable about methods, processes, techniques, and equipment Knowledgeable about the organization and its products or services Requires good memory, orientation to details, rapid learning of technical material Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Conceptual Skills Good judgment, foresight, intuition, creativity, and ability to find meaning in the face of ambiguity Requires analytical ability, logical thinking, concept formation, inductive and deductive reasoning Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Interpersonal Skills Knowledgeable about human behavior, feelings, attitudes, and motives of others Ability to communicate clearly and persuasively Requires empathy, social insight, charm, tact and diplomacy Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Emotional Intelligence Attuned to own feelings and feelings of others Emotions cognitively managed and used to facilitate reasoning Requires emotional maturity, self-awareness, self- regulation Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Social Intelligence Ability to identify social requirements for a particular situation and select an appropriate response Knowledgeable about organizational culture and power relationships Requires social perceptiveness and behavioral flexibility Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Systems Thinking Understands that a change in one part of the organization will affect other parts as well Appropriate reaction to anticipated consequences can counteract these effects Requires awareness of how different parts of the organization are interrelated Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Skills Ability To Learn Ability to learn from experience and adapt to change Flexible enough to learn from mistakes, change assumptions and beliefs, and refine their mental models Requires self-awareness, open-mindedness, curiosity, and routine feedback about strengths & weaknesses Strength Weakness Effective Leadership Skills Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p )
Leadership Development Leadership Traits & Skills Certain traits & skills are positively related to effective leadership Identify your strengths and weaknesses to better manage your leadership role Aim to build upon your strengths and correct or compensate for your weaknesses Summary
Leadership Development Leadership Roles Our next module reviews the key roles that leaders are expected to hold Next Topic…
Leadership Development G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p Free Management Library Sources