FLES Networking Session NNELL News Literacy Strategies Thematic Unit Networking & Sharing Presented by Virginia Staugaitis, NE Region, NNELL Shepaug Regional School District No. 12 Washington, CT
Agenda NNELL News Literacy Strategies Reading Fluency Oral Language Thematic Unit Networking and Sharing
NNELL N ational N etwork for E arly L anguage L earning Membership academic school year (starts in September) renewal notices – Spring cannot accept purchase orders – use check or credit card membership questions: NNELL Journal: Learning Languages – published 2X a year visit NNELL at
Literacy Strategies Reading K-W-L Charts Photos, calendar pictures, visuals with labels Create new patterns from familiar stories Activities that highlight the meanings, uses, and production of print found in classroom signs, label, posters, calendars, etc. Take home books to read (e.g. Bi-lingual with audio tapes) Wide variety of reading genres (narrative and informational) Alphabetic knowledge activities Activities related to children’s work in reading and writing Activities that help make connections between what they will read and what they already know Activities that encourage discussion about what is being read and how ideas can be linked ( e.g. Making predictions) Year of Languages at WPS
Literacy Strategies Fluency Model fluent reading (read aloud) Echo read Choral read Repeated readings in class (e.g. poems) Phrased reading using sentence strips Reader’s Theater (oral performance of a script) Year of Languages at WPS
Oral Language Practice oral language Story aprons Story props Finger puppets Computer software Songs, chants, poems and rhymes Games and activities that involve talking, listening, and following directions Activities in which children practice predicable and patterned language stories Language games with rhyming words Resource: Literacy Strategies Year of Languages at WPS
Networking & Sharing Share Ideas and Experiences FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Virginia Staugaitis MUCHAS GRACIAS