Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A RAL Tier1/A Site Report HEPiX-HEPNT Vancouver, October 2003
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Contents GRID Stuff – clusters and interfaces Hardware and utilisation Software and utilities
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Layout
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A EDG Status EDG 2.0.x deployed on production test-bed since early September. Provides: –EDG RGMA info catalogue –RLS for lhcb, biom, eo, wpsix, tutor and Babar EDG 2.1 deployed on dev test-bed. VOMS integration work underway. May be found useful by small GRIDPP experiments (eg NA48, MICE and MINOS) EDG 2.0 gatekeeper provides gateway into main CSF production farm. Provides access for some of Babar and ATLAS work. Being prepared for forthcoming D0 production via SAMGrid Along with IN2P3, CSFUI provides main UI for EDG Many WP3 and WP5 mini test-beds Further GRID integration into production farm via LCG – not EDG
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A LCG Integration LCG-0 mini test-bed deployed March LCG-1 test-bed deployed in July LCG 1 upgraded to LCG1-1_0_1 in August/September. Consists of: –Lcgwest regional GIIS –RB, CE, SE, UI, BDII, PROXY, 5*WN WN = 2*1GHz/1GB RAM, SE = 540GB Soon need to make important decisions about how much hardware to deploy into LCG – driven by what the Experiment Board want. Issues: –Installation and configuration still difficult for non-experts. –Documentation still thin in many places. –Support often very helpful but answers not always forthcoming for some problems. –Not everything works – all of the time. Beginning to discuss internally how to interoperate with production farm.
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A SRB Service for CMS SDSC Storage Resource Broker SRB MCAT for whole CMS production. Consists of enterprise class ORACLE servers and “thin” MCAT ORACLE client. SRB interface into Datastore SRB enabled disk server to handle data imports. SRB clients on disk servers for data moving Needed some work to deploy Very good support from developers SDSC ADS interface integrated into main SRB source Considerable learning experience for Datastore team (and CMS)!
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A P4 Xeon Experiences Disappointing performance with gcc –Hope for 2.66P4/1.4P3=1.5 –see Can obtain more by exploiting hyper-threading but Linux CPU scheduling causes difficulties (ping-pong effects) Performance better with Intel Compiler Efforts to run `0(1)’ scheduler unsuccessful CPU accounting now depends on number of jobs running. Beginning to look closely at Opteron solutions.
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Datastore Upgrade STK 9310 robot, 6000 slots –IBM 3590 drives being phased out (10GB 10MB/Sec) –STK 9940B drives in production (200GB 30MB/sec) 4 IBM 610+ servers with two FC connections and Gbit networking on PCI-X –9940 drives FC connected via 2 switches for redundancy –SCSI raid 5 disk with hot spare for 1.2Tbytes cache space
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Switch_1Switch_2 RS6000 fsc0fsc1 fsc0 9940B fsc1fsc0fsc1fsc rmt1 rmt4rmt3rmt2 rmt5-8 AAAAAAAA STK 9310 “Powder Horn” Gbit network 1.2TB
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Operating Systems Redhat 6.2 closed end of August (Babar build-box) Redhat 7.2 –Babar 7.2 service migrated to Redhat 7.3 during October. –Residual `bulk’ batch service closing soon. –Three front-ends for Babar. Redhat 7.3 –Service now main workhorse for LHC experiments and Babar batch work. –`Bulk’ service opening soon. –Three front-ends. –LCG-1 Need to start looking at what to do next (Fedora, Debian, RH-ES/AS, …)! Need to deploy Redhat Advanced Server
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Next Procurement Based on experiments expected demand profile (as best they can estimate). Exact numbers still being finalised, but about: –250 dual processor CPU nodes –70TB available disk –100TB tape
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A CPU Requirements (KSI2K)
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A New Helpdesk Need to deploy new helpdesk (had Remedy). Wanted: –Web based. –Free open source. –Multiple queues and personalities. Looked at Bugzilla, OTRS and RequestTracker. Finally selected RequestTracker. Available for other Tier 2 sites and other GRIDPP projects if needed.
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A YUMIT: RPM Monitoring Hundreds of nodes on the farm. Need to make sure RPMs are up to date. Wanted light-weight solution until full fabric management tools are deployed. Package written by Steve Traylen: –Yum installed on all systems –Nightly comparison with YUM database uploaded to MYSQL server. –Simple web based display utility in perl
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Exception Monitoring: Nagios Already have an exception handling system (CERN’s SURE coupled with the commercial Automate). Looking at alternatives – no firm plans yet but currently looking at NAGIOS:
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A
Martin Bly RAL Tier1/A Summary: Outstanding Issues Many new developments and new services deployed this year. We have to run many distinct services. For example, FERMI Linux, RH 7.2/7.3, EDG testbeds, LCG, CMS DC03, SRB etc. Waiting to hear when the experiments want LCG in volume. The Pentium 4 processor is performing poorly. Redhat’s changing policy is a major concern