Altitude – angle of elevation above the horizon Zenith – directly overhead Celestial Sphere - large sphere surrounding the earth, used to keep references to where celestial bodies lie in the sky.
Tropic Of Cancer – 23 ½ o N Tropic of Capricorn - 23 ½ o S Solar Noon - the time of highest sun altitude
Insolation – Incoming Solar Radiation (energy we get from the sun) Sun’s Duration – length of time the sun is out = daylight hours Sun’s intensity – higher the sun angle, more direct rays = more energy from sun and higher temperatures.
Reasons for the Seasons Tilt of the Earth 23 ½ o
2. Earth’s Revolution around the Sun
Summer Solstice – June 21 Earth is tilted toward the sun Tropic of Cancer 23 ½ o N Equator Arctic Circle – 66 ½ o N Antarctic Circle – 66 ½ o S Tropic of Capricorn – 23 ½ o S Sun is at zenith at the ? Tropic of Cancer – 23 1/2o N
Longest day of the year
North of Arctic Circle will have ______ hours of daylight? 24 Latitude of Norwich North of Arctic Circle will have ______ hours of daylight? 24
Describe Sun at Norwich High Sun Angle – shorter shadows Long Days High intensity of Sun’s rays, therefore its warmer
Sun Path at Norwich on Summer Solstice Zenith * 71o Is the Sun at Zenith at Norwich? NO Rises north of east and sets north of west Describe where sun rises and sets.
Winter Solstice - December 21 Earth is tilted away from sun North Pole Arctic Circle – 66 ½ o N 23 1/2o N Tropic Cancer equator 23 ½ o S Tropic of Capricorn South pole Antarctic Circle – 66 ½ o S Sun is at zenith at Tropic of Capricorn – 23 1/2o S
Shortest day of the year
Winter Solstice Latitude of Norwich North of Arctic Circle will have ______ hours of daylight? 24
Describe Sun at Norwich Low Sun Angle – longer shadows Short Days Low intensity of Sun’s rays, therefore temperatures are not as warm
Sun’s Path at Norwich on Winter Solstice Zenith * 25o Is the Sun at Zenith at Norwich? NO Describe where sun rises and sets. Rises south of east and sets south of west
Equinoxes –September 21, March 21 (Autumnal) (Vernal) Earth is Perpendicular to the Sun Arctic Circle – 66 1/2o N Tropic of Cancer - 23 1/2o N Equator Tropic of Capricorn - 23 1/2o S Antarctic Circle - 66 1/2o S Sun is at zenith at the Equator
12 hours of light and dark everywhere on the Earth
Equal Days and Equal Nights everywhere on Earth Latitude of Norwich Equal Days and Equal Nights everywhere on Earth Equinox means equal nights
Describe Sun at Norwich Medium Sun Angle – medium shadows 12 hour Days medium intensity of Sun’s rays
Sun Path at Norwich on Equinoxes Zenith * 48o Is the Sun at Zenith at Norwich? NO Describe where sun rises and sets. Sun rises directly east and sets directly west everywhere on the Earth
Time of day of longest shadow: ________ Time of day of shortest shadow: _______ Season with shortest noon time shadow: Season with longest noon time shadow: Sunrise, sunset Noon Summer Winter