KX-NS1000 Initial Set Up For step by step : 16 May, 2012 1
Chapter 1 Default Clear & Easy Setup Wizard 2
Same operation as KX-TDE/NCP 1. Default Clear Start NS1000 with Factory Default Settings. Same operation as KX-TDE/NCP 1. Power Off. 2. Install VoIP DSP card and other required hardware. For demo, DSP, Fax server card and LCOT2+SLT2 card are required. 3. Set system mode switch to “SYSTEM INITIALIZE”. 4. Power On and wait for 10s. => STATUS LED becomes green rapid flash. 5. Return the switch to NORMAL => STATUS LED becomes green slow flash. 6. Wait for 3 minutes until LED flash stops. System Mode Switch LED 3 min DSP does not have IP address yet. Master or Slave is not decided yet. 3
2. Connect PC Connect PC for Web Maintenance Console. 1. Connect PC (DHCP Client : Enable) to KX-NS1000 MNT port. (MNT = LAN port for maintenance) 2. IP address of MNT port is 3. MNT port has DHCP server function. PC will get IP address automatically. 4. Connect using Firefox (Recommend) or Internet Explorer 8. No Use by default "" can be used as well as “”. But "MNT" network and "LAN" network can NOT be connected. So even if PC of dealer is connected with "MNT", the PC cannot be connected with network of customer through "LAN". 4 4
3. Log-in to PBX Login to the PBX When connecting to the system for the first time, the Easy Setup Wizard will launch. (The PBX is in the factory default state.) 1 Enter the "User name" and "Password". -> User name is "INSTALLER" . (Default) -> Password is "1234". (Default) 1 2 Click "Login ". 2 Select the WebMC Language. 3 ->eg. In the case of English: Select "English (UK)". 4 3 4 Click "Install". 5
4-1. Easy Setup Wizard : Step 1 Location Setting (PBX type of the main unit, etc.) Select a PBX type, Suffix Code and Area. - There are 2 kinds of "PBX Types". Master: Select for a PBX that will be registered as the Master unit of One-look network. Also select for a PBX that will not be used in a One-look network. Slave : Select for a PBX that will be registered as a Slave unit of a One-look network. Select a PBX Type. (Master or Slave) 1 1 2 Select a "Suffix Code" from the drop-down list. 2 3 Select an "Area" from the drop-down list. 4 3 4 Click "Next". 6
4-2. Easy Setup Wizard : Step 2 PBX Setting Set the Site name, Time Zone and Local time. Specify a "Site name“. Select a “Time Zone”. Select the date and time. *) When you receive e-mail with VM or fax, e-mail sending time cannot be displayed correctly on e-mail client software such as MS-Outlook if “Time Zone” is incorrect. 1 1 2 Click "Next". 2 7
4-3. Easy Setup Wizard : Step 3 LAN Setting (Network Parameters for the main unit) Enter the required LAN Settings. (It depends on whether using the DHCP Server or not.) "IP address for the PBX" 1 1 By default, the PBX uses a static IP Address Default is OK for demo. 2 "IP address for the DNS Server" 2 By default, no DNS server addresses are set. Default is OK for demo. 3 3 "IP address for the DSP cards" By default, the DSP Cards use DHCP to obtain an IP-Address. Default is OK for demo because DHCP server function can be provided by NS1000. 4 4 Click "Next" . * When “Obtain xxx automatically” is selected, the boxes will turn grey and the IP address information will be assigned automatically by the DHCP server. 8
4-4. Easy Setup Wizard : Step 4 Registration Setting (IP Terminal Registration mode) Enter the IP Terminal Registration Mode setting and select if ‘One-Look’ Trial should start. - There are three terminal registration Modes; Manual: To manually register IP terminal info.. Full Automatic: To automatically register IP terminal info.. Extension Number Input: To automatically register IP terminal info. except its extension number. The extension number can then be registered from the IP telephone manually. 1 1 (No need to change.) 2 (No need to change.) 2 3 Click "Next". 3 9
4-5. Easy Setup Wizard : Step 5 SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) / Daylight Saving The source used for automatic time adjustment and the Daylight Saving mode is set here. Select "Automatic Time Adjustment". 1 Automatic Time Adjustment can be made using ISDN/Analogue Trunks (ISDN/FSK) or via a suitable SNTP server. 1 2 Select "Enable" or "Disable" for Daylight Saving. For countries using ‘Daylight Saving’ - automatic adjustment can be set here. 2 3 3 Click "Next" . This is useful to keep the time displayed on the terminals and SMDR records etc accurate. 10
4-6. Easy Setup Wizard : Step 6 Maintenance Setting The Installer Password can be changed (Strongly Recommended) and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) can be configured here. 1 1 Enter the "Password". - For the Installer level account. - A strong password is recommended. 2 2 Setup "SNMP Setting" and "SNMP Manager" if necessary. Check the required SNMP settings with the Network Administrator and enter as required to enable Remote Management. 3 Click "Finish". 3 11
5. Restart Restart. 1. If the network settings were changed, restart the PBX is required. 2. Wait for 3 minutes until LED flash stops. 1 Click "OK". 1 LED 3 min Slow Flash This will be cleared after clearing error log.
Chapter 2 Web Maintenance Console except Easy Setup Wizard 13
IP address programmed at step 3 of Easy Setup 6. Connection PC Again Connect PC again. Connect PBX LAN port to LAN (Customer’s real network or Demo network). Connect PC to PBX MNT port again or connect PC through LAN. LAN Switch DHCP Server IP address programmed at step 3 of Easy Setup DSP DHCP server provides IP address of DSP, if IP address of DSP is not programmed at step 3. 14
7. Log-in to PBX again 2nd Log-in 1st Login (The PBX is in the factory default state) 2nd Login Onwards (The PBX is NOT in the factory default state) If LAN settings have been changed from their default values, you will be prompted to restart the PBX. Click OK to restart the PBX. 15
8. Web MC Overview Feature List Set-up PBX and VM feature Maintenance (Utility / Tool) Return to this page (Home) Save data. Web MC version Exit (Data is saved.) For one-look network Picture based view List based view with PBX version, PBX IP address 16 16
8-1. Web MC Overview - Setup Setup mode Setup mode Programming for PBX features Same as TDE-NCP !! Programming for VM features Same as TVM !! 17 17
8-2. Web MC Overview - Maintenance Maintenance mode Maintenance mode 18 18
9. Web MC - Error Log Clear Change Status LED to Green Clear error log in order to change Status LED to green. - VoIP DSP IP address has to be assigned manually at step 3 of easy setup or it has to be provided automatically by DHCP server. 19 19
Chapter 3 Activation Key 20
10-1. Activation Key -1 Open Window for Activation Key. 21
10-2. Activation Key -2 Confirm MPR-ID and get activation key from Key Management System. Activation key file is made for MPR-ID. 22
10-3. Activation Key -3 Install Activation Key file. 23
10-3. Activation Key -4 Conditions File transfer for activation key (Not Trial) is independent from it for other file. Do NOT use this. Activation key does not work. . Use this or use command in previous page.
Chapter 4 Built-in DHCP Server for Demo 25
Built-in DHCP Server for “LAN” 11-1. Built DHCP Server -1 Overview KX-NS100 Built-in DHCP server function can provide IP address to PC, IP-phone and VoIP DSP through LAN port. This is very useful for demo network using IP-phone and PC for CA. Built-in DHCP Server for “LAN” DSP After clicking “OK”, the PBX will reboot automatically. LAN Switch 26
11-2. Built DHCP Server -2 Programming Programming is required to enable DHCP server function for LAN port. Connect PC to MNT port and enable it. - DHCP server function of MNT port is always enabled. No Use After clicking “OK”, the PBX will reboot automatically. by default 27
Thank you ! The END The End of documents.