Unpacking the 8 th Grade Reading STAAR Released Items Eligible Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Questions from Texas Education Agency Student Assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

Unpacking the 8 th Grade Reading STAAR Released Items Eligible Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Questions from Texas Education Agency Student Assessment Division Fall 2010

Note For the introductory part of the presentation, please refer to slides 2-31 of the grade 6 presentation.

VerbLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Analyze Analyze the central character in the story and provide 3 of his main qualities. Who is the central character and what are his three most outstanding qualities? Analyze how the central character’s qualities influence the theme and the resolution. How do the central character’s qualities influence the theme and resolution of the story? Explain your answer and provide evidence from the text. Analyze how a central character’s qualities can influence the theme and the resolution of a literary piece. Create a graphic representing the relationship and/or connection between the character’s qualities and the theme and resolution. How do the central character’s qualities influence the theme and resolution of the story? Provide 3 different examples where a character’s qualities played a significant role in the theme and resolution of the story. Analyze how a central character’s qualities can influence the theme and the resolution of a literary piece and determine how the story’s theme and resolution would be different if the central character was one of the minor characters. Rewrite the story using a minor character as the central character and explain why the theme and resolution would be different. (8.6B) Analyze how the central characters’ qualities influence the theme of a fictional work and resolution of the central conflict. Same Verb Used at Depth of Knowledge Levels

Same Verb Used at Depth of Knowledge Levels 8.6A Explain the effect of similes and extended metaphors in literary text. VerbLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Explain

2011 English I Reading STAAR Released Item ~Question 1: 8.11, Figure 19D Grade 7 (11) Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis (Figure 19D) make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding; Readiness Standard (Expository) / Supporting Standard (Persuasive Grade 8 (11) Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis. (Figure 19D) make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding; Readiness Standard (Expository) / Supporting Standard (Persuasive) English I (11) Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis. (Figure 19B) make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. Readiness Standard In order for a 8 th grade student to be able to master this question, what do our teachers promise to teach? Let’s Look at Vertical Alignment

7th Grade CSCOPE Performance Indicators 7.11 and Figure 19D 8 th Grade CSCOPE Performance Indicators 8.11 and Figure 19D English I CSCOPE Performance Indicators E1.11 and Figure 19B 3 rd 9 Weeks Unit 4A When provided a selection of contemporary speeches, choose one to analyze. Create a poster that displays the structure of the central argument and the different types of evidence used to support the argument. In addition, record the persuasive techniques (e.g. rhetorical fallacies) used in the speech. 2 nd 9 Weeks Unit 2B After reading two teacher-selected persuasive texts on the same issue but with different conclusions, create a graphic organizer that compares and contrasts how the authors reached their conclusions and analyzes the evidence presented including the use of rhetorical and logical fallacies, factual claims, commonplace assertions, and opinions. 3 rd 9 Weeks Unit 4B After reading 2 persuasive texts on the same issue with different conclusions, write a multi- paragraph essay that compares and contrast the ideas presented in the texts and explain how the authors’ reached their conclusions. In the conclusion, state and defend your viewpoint on the issue. Share your essay with a small group. 2 nd 9 Weeks Unit 3 Read a procedural text and analyze the clarity of the information presented. Rewrite a portion or all of the text to improve the clarity. Share with a partner to evaluate the effectiveness of the revisions. 4 th 9 Weeks Unit 5B In a small group, use available online and print resources to study a selected career. Discuss the purposes of the resources and the most important details. Create a visual representation (e.g., pamphlet, digital presentation, web page, display board) to inform others about the job/career. Share the information with the class. CSCOPE Performance Indicators* *Note: The STAAR released test key only lists the SE with an 11, but CSCOPE does note specific SE’s –which is what is referenced on this chart.

Taught in CSCOPE What is listed on CSCOPE is a11A-B, not just 11. Figure 19D is taught 1 st -4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach) Supporting 8.11: Informational Text/Persuasive Text Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence) Level 3 Using text evidence, students will make an inference about the author’s position on daylight saving time. Evidence: “The time has come to extend the benefits of daylight saving time to the entire year and end the trouble caused by changing time twice a year.” “Daylight saving time saves more than energy; it may also save lives.” “Daylight saving time also reduces crime.” What part of the SE is being tested? Persuasive text Make inference using textual evidence to support understanding What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Students have to be able to first understand persuasive writing and infer an author’s position on a given topic through text evidence. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied Author thinks (S) Selection (S) Inference (I) Text evidence (I) How is it being tested? The author of this selection thinks… Contextual Vocabulary Conserving Restricting

Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 9A and not just 9; figure 19D is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach) Supporting 8.9: Informational Text/Culture and History Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence) Level 3 Make an inference regarding the author’s purpose for the first paragraph. Evidence: While daylight saving time has done a good job of saving energy for part of the year, changing the clock back to standard time causes problems. The time has come to extend the benefits of daylight saving time to the entire year and end the trouble caused by changing time twice a year. What part of the SE is being tested? Informational Text/History Make inference using textual evidence to support understanding What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Students need to be familiar with persuasive writing and the importance of first paragraph, especially when the author’s position is stated in the first paragraph (text structure). Students have to be able understand, as well, why author’s include history in their persuasive writing. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied Author uses (S) First paragraph (S) Infer (I) Text evidence (I) How is it being tested? Author uses this first paragraph… Contextual Vocabulary Source Claims Position Reveal Complex Argument

Supporting 8.9: Informational Text/Culture and History Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence) Level 3 Infer author’s purpose for including history in his piece and how that leads to/supports his position. Evidence:” Daylight saving time is a good idea—and an old one. Benjamin Franklin, a person who valued thrift and ingenuity, introduced the idea in 1784.” One morning, after a servant had failed to close the wooden shutters on Franklin’s bedroom window the night before, Franklin was awakened suddenly at 6 A.M. by bright sunlight. He was struck by how silly it was to sleep when it was light and stay awake when it was dark. What part of the SE is being tested? Informational text/History Inferences about text What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Students have to be able to understand an author’s purpose for including history in a persuasive piece. In an effort to get reader’s to understand his position, the author had to first provide them with a history about his topic. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied Author include (S) Paragraph (S) To share (S) To explain (S) To support (S) To help (S) Claim (S) How is it being tested? From the information provided…the reader can conclude… Contextual Vocabulary Originated Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 9A and not just 9; figure 19D is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach)

Taught in CSCOPE Supporting 8.11: Informational Text/Persuasive Text Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Taught in CSCOPE Supporting 8.11(B) analyze the use of such rhetorical and logical fallacies as loaded terms, caricatures, leading questions, false assumptions, and incorrect premises in persuasive texts. DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Taught in CSCOPE Supporting 8.11: Informational Text/Persuasive Text Figure 19E: summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts. DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly?. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Supporting 8.13 Media Literacy Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly?. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 13A- D and not just 13; Figure 19D is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach)

Taught in CSCOPE Supporting 8.5(A) analyze how different playwrights characterize their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays. DOK: Level (Evidence). What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Taught in CSCOPE Supporting 8.5(A) analyze how different playwrights characterize their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays. DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly?. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Taught in CSCOPE Supporting 8.5(A) analyze how different playwrights characterize their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays. DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Supporting 8.5: Literary Text/Drama Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 5A and not just 5; Figure 19D is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach)

Taught in CSCOPE 1 st and 3 rd Nine Weeks (Direct Teaach) Supporting 8.5(A) analyze how different playwrights characterize their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays. DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary

Supporting 8.5: Literary Text/Drama Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly?. Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 5A and not just 5; Figure 19D is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach)

Supporting 8.5: Literary Text/Drama Figure 19(D): make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 5A and not just 5; Figure 19D is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach)

Supporting 8.5: Literary Text/Drama Figure 19E: summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts. DOK: Level (Evidence)What part of the SE is being tested? What do the students need to know in order to answer the question correctly? Academic Vocabulary Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied How is it being tested? Contextual Vocabulary Taught in CSCOPE What is listed in 5A and not just 5; Figure 19E is listed 1 st – 4 th Nine Weeks (Direct Teach)