Monday, March 23, 2015 (p. 76) When you look at a light bulb through a spectroscope, you see the colors of the rainbow. In scientific terms, what are you looking at? F. the temperature of the light bulb G. the visible light spectrum H. various gases that make up light J. visible microwaves
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 (p. 78) Effie wants to find a star that is similar to the Sun. She researches and finds the descriptions of the four stars below. Which one of these stars is MOST similar to the Sun? F. Betelgeuse – a red supergiant in the constellation Orion G. Sirius B – the white dwarf companion star of Sirius A in the constellation Canis Major H. Spica – a binary star system in the constellation Virgo J. Tau Ceti – a solitary yellow main-sequence star in the constellation Cetus
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 (p. 80) Compare structure vs. function structure is the design, shape or arrangement of an object or organism / the function is the job or purpose of the object or organism An eagle’s beak is designed to tear the flesh off of its prey and it’s talons are designed to catch and hold their prey.
Thursday, March 26, 2015 (p. 82) What is a niche? An organism’s role in the ecosystem; this is determined by what it eats, how it eats, and what eats it
Friday, March 27, 2015 (p. 84) The main purpose of a food chain is to show the transfer of energy from one organism to another. Explain how this works - When one organism consumes another for food, the energy is passed on through the food chain. The arrow shows the transfer of energy
Monday/Tuesday, March 30/31, 2015 (p. 86)
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 (p. 88) Review the biome shown in the illustration - What biotic factor contributes to the sustainability of this biome? A.a variety of plant life that stores water B.soil to sustain the plant life C. large herbivores grazing on the foliage D. shade obtained from rocks and plants
Thursday April 2, 2015 (p. 90) Which ecosystem would be more likely to survive if a disease killed the grasses? A.the grassland ecosystem, because several predators compete for food B.the forest ecosystem, because it has three top predators C.the grassland ecosystem, because it has many herbivores D.the forest ecosystem, because most of the animals can eat other organisms
BLAST OFF! Monday April 6, 2015 (p. 92) What are some of the ways humans have a negative impact on their environment? *land pollution (dumping/littering) *air pollution (burning fossil fuels) *deforestation (clearing forests/land) *water pollution (runoff/chemical dumping/littering) *habitat destruction (result of land development)
BLAST OFF! Tuesday April 7, 2015 (p. 94) Which is most likely the greatest cause of beach erosion in Texas? (landslides) (West Texas = flat land) (hurricanes) (acid rain) A. wind B. storm surge C. gravitational force D. chemical weathering
BLAST OFF! Wednesday April 8, 2015 (p. 96) D) the use of Daylight Savings Time Which of the following factors causes the changes in the amount of daylight experienced in a hemisphere over the course of the year? A)the time zones B) the International Date Line C) the tilt of Earth’s axis as it revolves around the sun
BLAST OFF! Thursday April 9, 2015 (p. 98) D) universe --- solar system --- star --- planet --- moon In order from the largest to smallest, which is correct? A)galaxy --- solar system --- universe --- star B) universe --- galaxy --- solar system --- star --- planet C) planet --- star ---solar system --- galaxy --- universe
BLAST OFF! Friday April 10, 2015 (p. 100) Sketch and identify the 3 types of plate boundaries. List the possible land formations created by each - Transform Convergent Divergent creates faults that can cause earthquakes mid-ocean ridge, rift valley, volcanoes mountains, volcanoes, deep ocean trenches form at subduction zones
BLAST OFF! Monday April 13, 2015 (p. 102) Michael is using this map to plan a family day hike. The hikers will include his grandparents and his 4-year-old twin brothers. Which of the numbered trails is most likely to be the safest and easiest for his family group? Why? Trail #1 Trail #2 Trail #3 It has the most gentle slope and would be easier to climb
BLAST OFF! Tuesday April 14, 2015 (p. 104) D) release of heat Which of the following is NOT evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place? A)freezing B) color change C) formation of a precipitate
BLAST OFF! Wednesday April 15, 2015 (p. 106) The element key for tungsten W) is shown below. How many protons does an atom of tungsten have? A.183 B.74 C.184 D.109 #of protons = atomic #
BLAST OFF! Thursday April 16, 2015 (p. 108) The modern periodic table is shown below. Notice the sections labeled 1, 2, or 3. What do the elements in section 3 have in common. A.They are classified as metalloids and rarely form bonds with other atoms. B.They are classified as metalloids and readily form bonds with other atoms. C.They are classified as nonmetals and are good conductors of electricity D.They are classified as nonmetals and are poor conductors of electricity
BLAST OFF! Friday April 17, 2015 (p. 110) C.