CENTRAL OFFICE SAFETY MEETING Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Work Zone Safety Awareness Marianne Trussell Chief Safety Officer April 21,2010
Did You Know? In 2008 ▫1,315 drivers ▫546 passengers ▫532 motorcyclists (and passengers) ▫502 pedestrians ▫118 bicyclists ▫193 teens Were killed on Florida roadways?
In 2008 ▫122,080 drivers ▫56,800 passengers ▫8,519 motorcyclists ▫7,878 pedestrians ▫4,380 bicyclists ▫20,347 teens Were injured on Florida’s roadways?
These Numbers are Unacceptable 2,983 killed in traffic crashes in one year – ,391 killed in 7 years in the Iraq war 2,966 killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks
Test Question #1 What age group has the highest number *of pedestrian fatalities? A B C D * All answers based upon 2008 data (2009 data not final).
Test Question #2 What was the behavior engaged in by the majority of pedestrians killed? A.Walking along road with traffic B.Crossing not at an intersection C.Standing or playing in road D.Other
Test Question #3 What time of day are the majority of pedestrians killed? A.Daylight B.Dusk C.Dark D.Dawn
Test Question #4 What was the weather like when the majority of pedestrians were killed? A.Cloudy B.Clear C.Rainy D.Foggy
Test Question #5 Of pedestrian fatalities A.Approximately 70 % were male B.Approximately 90% were male C.The majority were male D.The majority were female
Safe Walking Tips ▫Watch for vehicles and bicyclists ▫Don’t use headphones, iPods, or cell phones (take your cell phone for emergencies) ▫Cross only at crosswalks walks when available ▫Be extra vigilant for turning vehicles ▫If walking for health reasons, find a partner ▫Know where you are and where you are going ▫Wear appropriate shoes and clothing ▫See and be seen (wear reflective clothing at dusk/night) ▫Walk facing traffic when paths and sidewalks are unavailable
Test Question # 6 What age group has the highest number of bicyclist fatalities? A B C D.25-34
Test Question # 7 In which county were the most bicyclists killed? A.Miami-Dade B.Broward C.Pinellas D.Leon
Test Question # 8 What time of day are the majority of bicyclists killed? A.Dusk B.Dark C.Dawn D.Daylight
Test Question # 9 What was the weather like when the majority of bicyclists were killed? A.Cloudy B.Rainy C.Clear D.Foggy
Test Question # 10 Of bicyclists killed A.The majority were female B.The majority were male C.66% were male D.86% were male
Safe Riding Tips ▫Wear a properly fitted helmet (they aren’t just for kids) ▫Adjust your bicycle to fit ▫Check your equipment ▫See and be seen ▫Control your bicycle ▫Watch for and avoid road hazards ▫Avoid riding at night if possible ▫Lights and reflectors are required between sunset and sunrise
Obey the Rules of the Road ▫Ride WITH the flow of traffic (not against it) ▫Obey all traffic laws ▫Yield to traffic and pedestrians when appropriate ▫Be predictable ▫Stay alert at all times ▫Look before turning (use hand signals) ▫Watch for parked cars and cars exiting driveways ▫Never ride more than two abreast (it’s dangerous and against the law in Florida) ▫Children under 10 should use sidewalks; adults should use roadways. Some localities prohibit bicycles on sidewalks
Motorists and Bicyclists ▫Bicycles are vehicles under Florida law and have equal rights and responsibilities to use the roadway (not limited access facilities) ( Sec , F.S.) ▫Florida law requires motorists to allow a minimum of 3 feet when overtaking a bicyclist or other non- motorized vehicle ( Sec , F.S. ) ▫Most laws relating to bicyclists can be found in Section , F.S.
YOU CAN – EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Change your own bad habits and driving behaviors Set a good example Work on making positive changes in the ones you love Be an ambassador for safety Spread the safety word Safety is Everybody’s Business
ANSWERS Q1: Age of most pedestrian fatalities: C (45-54) Q2: Behavior of pedestrians killed: B (cross not at intersection) Q3: Time of day pedestrians killed: C (dark 73%) Q4: Weather when pedestrians killed: B (clear) Q5: Pedestrians killed: A (approx. 70% male) Q6: Age of most bicyclist fatalities: A(45-54) Q7: County with most bicyclists killed: B (Broward) Q8: Time of day bicyclists killed: B (dark 54%) Q9: Weather when bicyclists killed: C (clear) Q10: Bicyclists killed: D (86% male)
The Many Faces of Construction
The Many Faces of Work Zone Fatalities
A Single Life Lost is One Too Many Who is dying in work zones? 93 People in 2008 ▫60 Drivers ▫17 Passengers ▫16 Pedestrians (includes workers)
What about work zone injuries? 6,802 in 2008 ▫4,655 Drivers ▫1,997 Passengers ▫150 Pedestrians (includes workers)
Driving in work zone tips Be alert – expect the unexpected Minimize distractions (no cell phones, eating, drinking, reading, shaving, primping ) Don’t speed Don’t tailgate Don’t change lanes Keep an eye out for workers and equipment
QUESTIONS? Marianne Trussell, Chief Safety Officer Mark Eacker, Industrial Safety Program Admin Marianne Trussell, Chief Safety Officer Mark Eacker, Industrial Safety Program Admin