Transport Railways Incident Procedures
Aim To give students information about the emergency procedures to be adopted at incidents involving railways.
Learning Outcomes State the emergency procedures to be adopted List the priorities at railway incidents List the safety procedures to be adopted at railway incidents State the procedures where fire is involved. At the end of the session students will be able to:
Railtrack attendance Minor fires on trains Crew only (No Railtrack personnel) Large fires on trains Railtrack official & representative of train operators Major collisions and derailments Railtrack officer in charge, identified by a tabard marked “Railtrack Incident Officer”.
Locating incidents Information may be imprecise especially if the initial call comes from a member of the public Train crews will use identified railway facilities such as individual numbers on; Bridges Tunnels Most signal gantries Overhead electrical equipment.
Locating incidents Mile marker posts are located alongside all lines numbered consecutively from major cities There may also be quarter and half mile markers.
Priorities at incidents Non hazardous Hazardous with all safety procedures Hazardous without all safety procedures. There are three types basic of incidents on railway property that fire service personnel attend;
Duties of Incident Commander On arrival, the Incident Commander should; Assess the situation Identify the location Request railway authority assistance Inform Brigade Control of action Exercise rigid control Ensure high visibility jackets are worn.
Safe systems of work Five principal sytems; Notify Railtrack - prior to entering the track area Slowing trains Stopping trains Switching off the electrical supply Action to be taken in the event of serious and immediate risk.
Communications Trackside telephones only give access to the nearest signal box or electrical control room All communications must be with Railway Operations Control Only proper channel of communications is to contact Brigade Control via an appliance radio.
Serious and immediate risk Assessment - possible risks Minimum personnel in risk area Isolation of area - immediate attempts to stop trains and isolate current. Where an immediate rescue attempt must be made certain minimum safety measures must be in place
Safe working distances Safe working will, as a general rule, only be possible at least 3 metres from the nearest line still in operation, other factors include; Weather Hazards Refuges Type of incident Local topography Dangerous substances Unintentional approach.
Places of safety On high speed lines, blue and white chequered boards indicate no place of safety on that side Red and white chequered boards indicate a clearance of less than 1.5 metres between a structure and the nearest rail.
Viaducts, bridges and tunnels Firefighters should not normally enter these areas unless trains have been stopped and refuges are available Refuges normally take four people If breathing apparatus is being worn then refuges may not accommodate as many as four people.
Stopping trains and isolating the current Assume trains are running and current is on until confirmation is received from Brigade Control Even when the traction current is isolated electric trains can coast for a considerable distance at speed Diesel powered trains may still be running even though the traction current is isolated.
Serious and immediate risk Move along the line - to give as much stopping distance as possible Stand in a position of safety - facing the train If there is an obstruction or incapacitated person on the line it may be necessary to stop a train using hand signals
Serious and immediate risk Signal the driver by; Daylight Raise both arms above head Night time Wave a torch or lamp from side to side.
Fires in trains Firefighters should check; Diesel locomotives - engines have stopped and battery isolator is open Diesel multiple units - engines have stopped and heaters are off Electric locomotives and multiple units - battery isolator is open and pantograph is lowered Passenger carriages - 1Kv electric heating is off.
Health and safety Full firefighting kit must be worn (plus hi-viz jackets) Safe working distances Places of safety Danger of casualties in contact with live circuits Be vigilant when transporting equipment No one to go on or near the track unless Railtrack lookouts have been posted.
Confirmation Assessments will be based on this lesson and the corresponding study note Learning Outcomes State the emergency procedures to be adopted List the priorities at railway incidents List the safety procedures to be adopted at railway incidents State the procedures where fire is involved.