What’s the capital of Alaska? Barrow. Juneau. Anchorage.
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What’s the largest town of Alaska? Barrow. Juneau. Anchorage.
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What’s Barrow? Where is it? It’s a small town in the North of Alaska. It’s the capital of Alaska. It’s the largest town of Alaska.
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How is Barrow called? The Top of the World. The Last Frontier. To the North.
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Who are the Inupiat people? Immigrants to Alaska. The original population of North Alaska. The people who discovered Alaska.
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What’s Kivgiq? It’s an Inupiaq festival. It’s a war dance. It’s the Inupiaq language.
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What are the means of transport in Barrow? Cars, dogsleds and snowmobiles. Plane or ship. Skis and ski rackets.
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How can you reach Barrow? By car. By plane or ship. By dogsleds or snowmobiles.
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What happens in Barrow between May and August? There are 24 hours of daylight. There are 24 aurora borealis a day. There are 24 hours of night.
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What are the Aurora Borealis? They are curtains used in Alaska. They are lights in the atmosphere. They are Inupiaq rituals.
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What are the Aurora Borealis also called? The Northern Lights. To the North. The Top of the World.
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What kind of phenomenon are the Aurora Borealis? It’s a solar phenomenon: it’s a magnetic storm. It’s a spiritual phenomenon caused by the ancestors. It’s a weather phenomenon caused by the winds.
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What’s a typical Alaskan sport? Sled-dog mushing. Zorbing. Snowboarding.
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What kind of sports can you practise in Alaska? Extreme water sports like kayaking, canoeing and rafting. Winter sports like skiing, hiking and climbing. Extreme sports like zorbing and bungee jumping. Water sports like fly fishing and canoeing.
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What kind of animals can you find in Alaska? Kiwis, tuataras and birds. Bald eagles, grizzly bears, moose. Bears, giraffes and birds.
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What is the Iditarod? It’s a sled-dog race. It’s the capital of Alaska. It’s a typical Alaskan sport.
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When is the Iditarod? It’s in March, but only in odd years. It’s every year in March. It’s in winter.
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How did Alaska become a US state? What’s a musher? What are the origins of the Iditarod? When is the Iditarod? What’s the Iditarod? What kind of animals can you find in Alaska? What kind of sports can you practise in Alaska? What’s a typical Alaskan sport? What are the Aurora Borealis? What happens in Barrow between May and August? How can you reach Barrow? What are the means of transport in Barrow? What’s Kivgiq? Who are the Inupiats? How is Barrow nicknamed? Where’s Barrow? What’s Barrow? What’s the largest town of Alaska? What’s the capital of Alaska? Where’s Alaska? CLICK AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.