Since 1903 the VSVRI has been established on an area of about 23 square hectares in the Red Mountain area of the Abbassia district, east Cairo. The VSVRI is one of the oldest and prestigious institutes in the Middle East and Africa. At the beginning, the scope of its responsibility was limited to production of vaccine and antiserum, for protection of cattle against Rinderpest (cattle plague).
The laboratory’s mission has continued to grow. The next period witnessed considerable laboratory expansions and new building constructions in response to the demands.
Production of highly efficient vaccines, Sera and Diagnostic Reagent utilizing both reference and local isolates based on the international standards to guarantee protection of animals and poultry from different diseases. In addition, preparation of combined vaccines to save the effort, time, stress and money. Conducting researches for improvement and innovation of Veterinary Vaccines, Sera and Diagnostic Reagents.
Completion of high Contemned BSl3 Laboratories for production of FMD & Avian Influenza Vaccines. Certified the current production facilities according to GMP requirements for veterinary vaccine production. Improvement and innovation of Veterinary Vaccines, Sera and Diagnostic Reagent. Using the molecular biology for improvement the vaccine and diagnostic reagents. Expanding training on up to date technologies. Completion of high Containment BSL-3 Laboratories for production of FMD & Avian Influenza Vaccines. Certified the current production facilities according to GMP requirements for veterinary vaccine production. Improvement and innovation of Veterinary Vaccines, Sera and Diagnostic Reagent. Using the molecular biology for improvement the vaccine and diagnostic reagents. Expanding training on up to date technologies.
Aerobic Bacterial Vaccines Research Department. Anaerobic Bacterial Vaccines Research Department. Bacterial Sera and Antigens Research Department. Bacterial Diagnostic products Research Department. Parasitic Vaccines Research Department.
FMD Research Department. Rift Valley Fever Vaccine Department. Pox Vaccines Research Department. Rinderpest Vaccine Research Department. Rinderpest like diseases vaccine Research Department. Pet animal Vaccines Research Department. Equine Vaccines Research Department. Newcastle and other Viral Poultry Vaccines Department.
Senior Researchers Chief Researchers Researchers Research Assistants Assistant Researchers Consultants Total Research Team 218
Contract Employees Administrative Workers Temporary Workers Employees and workers 654
Attenuated Rift Valley Fever Vaccine. Attenuated Bovine Ephemeral Fever Vaccine. P.P.R. Vaccine (Egypt 87). Sheep Pox Vaccine. Camel Pox Vaccine. African Horse Sickness Attenuated Polyvalent Vaccine. Attenuated Canine Parvo Vaccine.
Bivalent Inactivated Foot and Mouth Disease Oil Vaccine types ( O 1 & A ). Inactivated Rift Valley Fever Vaccine. Inactivated Bovine Ephemeral Fever Vaccine. Inactivated Respiratory Virus Diseases Vaccine “Pneumo 3”. Inactivated Respiratory Virus Diseases Vaccine “Pneumo 4” Bivalent Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine.
Inactivated Bovine Rota (BR), Corona (BC) and Toxigenic E. Coli K99 Vaccine (Entero-3). Bivalent Inactivated African Horse Sickness Vaccine. Inactivated Rabies Vaccine. Inactivated Tissue Culture Rabies Vaccine. Monovalent Inactivated Freeze Dried Equine Influenza Vaccine.
BCG Vaccine. Brucella Abortus Vaccine (St. 19). Brucella Melitensis Vaccine (Rev.1). Blackleg and Gas Gangrene Vaccine. Polyvalent Clostridial Vaccine. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Oil Adj. Vaccine (For Cattle). Oil Adjuvinated Polyvalent Pneumo bac Pasteurellosis Vaccine. Gel Adjuvinated Polyvalent Pneumo bac Pasteurellosis Vaccine.
Tube Agglutination Brucella Antigen. Buffer Acidified Plate Brucella Antigen. Rose Bengal Brucella Antigen. Milk Ring Test Brucella Antigen. Rivanol Brucella Antigen. Rivanol solution. Mammalian P.P.D. Tuberculin. Bovine P.P.D. Tuberculin Rift Valley Fever Antigen.
Antitetanic Serum
Newcastle Vaccine (Hitchner B1). Newcastle Vaccine (LaSota). Newcastle Vaccine (Komarov). Lasota & IB. Hitchner B1 and Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine. Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine (D78 Strain).
Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine (Bursa Vac. strain). Fowl Pox Vaccine. Pigeon Pox Vaccine. Duck Virus Hepatitis Vaccine. Duck Plague Vaccine.
Inactivated Newcastle And Gumboro Vaccine. Inactivated Newcastle, IB and EDS. Inactivated Newcastle Vaccine (Oil adj.). Inactivated Oil Emulsion Avian Influenza Vaccine. Inactivated Pigeon Paramyxo Vaccine. Inactivated Rabbit Haemorrhagic Virus Vaccine.
Polyvalent Fowl Cholera Vaccine (Oil Adj.) Polyvalent Rabbit Pasteurellosis Vaccine (Formalized). Polyvalent Rabbit Pasteurellosis Vaccine (Oil Adj.). Rabbit Clostridial Entertoxaemia Bloat Vaccine Infectious Coryza (Oil Adj.) Vaccine. Inactivated Spirochetosis Vaccine. Chicken Necrotic Oil Vaccine. Chicken Necrotic Gel Vaccine.
Salmonella Pullorum Antigen (Tube Agglutination). Salmonella Pullorum Stained Antigen (polyvalent). Paratyphoid Antigen. Avian P.P.D. Tuberculin.
US Naval American Medical Research Unit (NAMRU 3). Us Department of State Biosecurity Engagement Program Food and Ogriculture Organization (FAO). Offices of International Epizootic (OIE). World Health Organization ( WHO )
The First HPAI outbreak was announced on February The disease is now endemic. Vaccine started on March 2007 depending on importation of H 5 N 1 and H 5 N 2 inactivated Vaccines from different counters. The key to preventing human infections with AI is to control poultry outbreaks of AI. Developing of national laboratory for vaccine production to produce AI vaccine from local isolates is must.
Laboratory location. Wipe – clean surface. Heating, ventilation and air – conditioning (HVAC) System. Directional airflow and cascade negative pressure. Laboratory furniture and equipment. Laboratory rooms, size and orientation. Sample reception. Double door autoclave and decontamination Chamber for solid waste materials. Water supply and sewerage system. Electrical system.
Primary containment barriers is the barriers between agent and man. Gloves, gownt, masks Biosafety cabinet, Respiratory protection Vaccines & autoclaves
Walls Fences, Security Quarantine Tertiary containment barrier Secondary containment barrier is the barrier between agents and Environment to provide protection for individual outside the lab. Air tight rooms. Air handling. Air locks. Showers, laundry. Sewage treatment. Waste disposal. Sterilization. Equipment.
The potential threat of Avian flu and need for appropriate facilities to work with HPAI raise design issues of protection.
Compact area Blending & Filling & Capping Electric room Exit Washing W.C Kitchen Control Hall Inactivation Lab. Refrigerator Electricity room Ref. Dressing Room Electricity Room Dressing Room Ref. Pre Inoculation Incubator Compact area After Inoculation Incubator Doctors Office Closet Receiving egg Compact area Freez. Inoculation Lab. Harvestation Steril.
All personnel must met the institutional expectation in term of high containment practices
Training of all personnel entering a containment facility must be done and documented Training program specific to scientists needs and knowledge Training and evaluation should occur before personnel starts the job
- U.S National Academy of Sciences. - U.S Department of States Biosecurity Engagement Program. -Turkish Academy of Sciences