Macromedia Flash Use of Macromedia Flash to Create a Web-based Tutorial for Inorganic Qualitative Analysis By Prem D. Sattsangi, Ph.D. and † Christopher L. Byers (Programmer)
Chemtrek, by Stephen Thompson Solutions and Reactions Study of 14 Unknown (UK) aqueous solutions –12 Colorless UK –1 Blue UK (CuSO 4 ) –1 Yellow UK (FeCl 3 )
Principles to be taught Acidity, Basicity, or Neutrality of Unknowns (UK) (Universal Indicator (UI) test) Water insolubility of reaction products (Binary-mixing of UK, to prepare an “Ion Reaction Chart”) Volatility of NH 3 (aq) (Compared to non-volatility of other basic samples, Na 2 CO 3, Na 3 PO 4, and NaOH)
An Economical and Eco-friendly Exercise UK samples, ~1.5 mL, are stored and used in *micropipets. (*~3 mL capacity plastic bulbs with a long stem) [*SAMCO TRANSFER PIPETS] Tests need only one drop of each reagent. Tests are performed over a plastic sheet cleaned by washing with water. Two students use one set. Set of 16 UK Samples and reagents
Chemtrek, by Stephen Thompson pH test (UI) Colored/colorless samples Soluble products Insoluble precipitates Digesting all this in ~ 1 hr, Pretty overwhelming! First day of the lab Ion Reaction Chart
Chemtrek Expectations from the student: Identify a set of 8 unknowns Unknowns are selected from 17 colorless samples. 6 out of 12 Samples used by students, 1 out of 2 *Cations and 1 out of 4 *Anions. [*More challenging] [Binary mix UK samples with 12 known solutions, compare with the ion reaction chart for pH and solubility] Identification, A formidable task! Second day of the lab
Revised Approach “pH Tests” Colorless UKs only pH test First day of the lab Universal Indicator Test Test UI UK 17 Which Chart would you like to go to? 6 Acidic 7 Neutral 4 Basic
Revised Approach “Chemical Reactions” Survey of insoluble precipitates Writing chemical reactions Develop a clear understanding of solubility rules and chemical reactions First day of the lab (An abbreviated chart)
Revised Approach “The Roadmap” Easy Identification Second day of the lab HCl, AlCl 3, Pb(NO 3 ) 2, HNO 3, H 2 SO 4, Al(NO 3 ) 3 HCl, H 2 SO 4, HNO 3 KI (+) bubbles (-) colorless (+) white ppt(+) yellow ppt (+) white ppt AgNO 3 BaCl 2 AlCl 3 AlCl 3, Al(NO 3 ) 3 HCl H 2 SO 4, HNO 3 confirmed Na 2 CO 3 UK AgNO 3 (-) colorless(+) white ppt H 2 SO 4 HNO 3 Pb(NO 3 ) 2 (+) gel, bubbles(+) white ppt Al(NO 3 ) 3 Acidic Samples Reagent
Improved Student Satisfaction Chemtrek Procedure: –Most students could identify 2-3 of the 8 UK samples in the 3 hour lab. –Resulting in a frustrated class Roadmap Approach: –Most students identify all 8 UK samples in less than an hour. –Remaining lab time is more profitably used in writing chemical equations. View Flash