Report to SIM-QSTF Asunción, April 2013 QMS supporting CMCs in Chemistry QMS supporting CMCs in Chemistry
Scope of this presentation QMS supporting CMCs in Inorganic Chemistry (Traces, Metals in Soil, Water) Laboratories in INTI-Quimica QMS supporting CMCs in Organic Contaminants Laboratories in INTI-Ambiente Both systems were approved in Santiago, Chile, in March So, a 5-years reapproval is needed.
INTI Organizational Structure Ministery of Industry INTI Board of Directors Presidency Advisor Council General Manager Metrology, Quality And Environment MetrologyEnvironment Dep. Legal Metrology Dep. Scientific & Industrial Metrology Managers level Deputy managers level 42 R&D centers QuímicaAmbiente ……. Special projects Legal Development Regional Assistance Human Resources Administration & Finances International Cooperation Assistance to social industry Commercial Quality
Maintenance of the Integrated Management System Auditors training Harmonization of procedures, equivalence of results Crossed audits planning Inter-comparisons Technical training planning Strategic planning and projects Management reviews Metrology, Quality And Environment Metrology Dep. Scientific & Industrial Metrology centers QuímicaAmbiente …. Quality Maintenance of independent QMSs in each center Ministery of Industry INTI Board of Directors Presidency Advisor Council General Manager Metrology, Quality And Environment MetrologyEnvironment Dep. Legal Metrology Dep. Scientific & Industrial Metrology Managers level Deputy managers level 42 R&D centers QuímicaAmbiente ……. Special projects Legal Development Regional Assistance Human Resources Administration & Finances International Cooperation Assistance to social industry Commercial Quality
I. QMS supporting CMCs in Inorganic Chemistry
QMS documentation The file I NTI-Quimica QMS documentation.pdf contains objectives, scope, responsibilities, organizational charts, contents of the respective Quality Manuals as well as the lists of administrative and technical procedures The Quality Manual is available in INTI-Quimica QM.pdf
CMCs Published: Ap A - INTI Quimica CMCs (approved).pdf Metal traces in sediments, soils, ores, and particulates New (under technical review) Ap A - INTI Quimica CMCs (new).xls Metals in different matrices Agreed with the peer reviewer
INTI-Química customer feedback 2012 (survey to 52 users)
Complaints and non conformities 2012 No complaints were received in 2012 in INTI Quimica. 4.2/4.3Documentation / QMS Suppliers1 4.9.Nonconforming works1 5.2Job descriptions1 5.2Non authorized person2 5.3Facilities Method validation Uncertainty1 5.6.Use of non-calibrated equipment1 Total32 32 NCs were detected in 2012 in INTI Quimica. All them were managed and closed
INTI-Química internal and crossed audits Management Audit Auditor: Gladys Mastromónaco (INTI-SAI) Date: Sep This audit revealed 5 non-conformities, all resolved to date. Internal Technical audits ( ) The following procedures were audited (September 2011) Determination of Cr in acid solutions (PAAMet-02). Auditor: Pablo Álvarez Non-conformities: 1 – solved Determination de nitrites in calibration solutions. Auditor: Mabel Puelles Non-conformities: 3 – solved Reports and corrective actions in: INTI Quimica internal and crossed audits.pdf Note: Considering that, during 2012, a peer review was held to all the methods related to CMCs, no internal audits were performed then.
INTI-Química Management review Date: October 2012 Details in: INTI-Quimica MR.pdf Summary of topics treated: Summary of preliminary reports Evaluation of the Period: Policy and Procedure Revision. Audit Results. Independent Entity Evaluations - Interlaboratory Comparison Results Change in Volume and/or Type of Work Customer Feedback - Claims Staff Training Evaluation of Objectives from the previous review Improvement objectives for the new period: expanding the scope of methods acquire the necessary equipment to expand the range of internal calibrations optimize maintenance, verification and equipment calibration management. activities towards tuning up viscosity measurements
INTI-Química Peer Review Date:June 25 ‐ , Reviewer:. Heidi Goenaga ‐ Infante, LGC (UK). Scope: stated CMCs in Ap A Report: INTI Quimica PR report.pdf Results: The reviewer has mentioned 19 recommendations. All of them were considered and actions were defined and were or are being executed. INTI-Quimica Action Plan.pdf INTI-Quimica Action Plan.pdf Actions taken in: INTI-Quimica Action Plan.pdf INTI-Quimica Action Plan.pdf
INTI-Química Peer Review Attestation (extracted from the report) “The INTI has the capabilities and competences to carry out the services it is claiming to deliver to its customers in the scope of the CIPM MRA. The quality system, as far as it could be reviewed, is in compliance with ISO/IEC and covers the near future claimed CMCs. No Non-Compliances have been found, however a few minor non-compliances have been observed. Those are detailed in further sections of this report. A number of recommendations for further improvements are, therefore, added in the peer review report.”
INTI-Química CMCs vitality INTI-Quimica vitality evidences.pdf Evidences included in file: Summary: Participation in working groups at CCQM, SIM Stays at other NMIS Participation in international technical seminars or congresses Organizattion of 2 Training courses at INTI-Chemistry during 2010 (by NMI experts) Organization of 3 proficiency tests in the country (traceability dossemination) Harmonization of Measurements at different INTI Centres
II. QMS supporting CMCs in Organic Contaminants
INTI- Ambiente structure Technical Director SecretaryTechnical Unit Coordination Office Head of Quality Laboratory Management Test Operators Analysts Support Staff
QMS documentation The file I NTI-Ambiente QMS documentation.pdf contains objectives, scope, responsibilities, organizational charts, contents of the respective Quality Manuals as well as the lists of administrative and technical procedures The Quality Manual is available in INTI-Ambiente QM.pdf
INTI-Ambiente customer feedback 2012 A random sample of 15 users was extracted. The survey results were presented and discussed in the management review
INTI-Ambiente NC /4.3Documentation / QMS8 4.4Contract review2 4.14Audits1 5.2Lack of training1 5.3Facilities Method validation Uncertainty1 5.6.Traceability Data Control1 5.9.Quality Control1 5.10Report of results4 Total22 3 customer complaints were received in INTI Ambiente in the last period. All of them are related to mistakes in the report of results. Corrective actions were implemented and verified 22 NC were received. All of them were managed according the procedures and closed. In the following tabke, a classification by matters can be shown
INTI-Ambiente crossed audits 2012 Management Audit Audit Criteria: QMS requirements in ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Leader Auditor: Bioq Gladys Mastromónaco Date: Sep 30/ Auditor: Gladys Mastromónaco (INTI-SAI) Date: Sep This audit revealed 1 non-conformity, resolved to date. Technical audit Scope: Aromatic hydrocarbons in metanol (PE V2.) Leader Auditor: Bioq Gladys Mastromónaco Auditor Team: Lic. M. Alejandra Rodríguez (technical expert) - Lic. Pablo Sánchez (Observer) Date: Dec This audit revealed 4 non-conformities, all resolved to date. Reports and corrective actions in: INTI Ambiente crossed audits.pdf
INTI-Ambiente Management Review Date: September 2012 Summary in: INTI-Ambiente MR.pdf Improvements proposed for 2013: Improve the supplier evaluation procedure Improve or implement an effective procedure for the treatment of queries directed to the Centre so that they can become a source of information and feedback to Laboratories. Train all the employees in complaint reception and management. Establish procedures to make reagent and equipment purchases for Analytical Service Coordination Laboratories easier and faster. General Objectives 2013 Strengthen and expand current metrology capacities based on the start up of the National Metrology Plan. Reinforce Quality Management notions in the Centre's Technical Assistance areas. Produce at least two new Standard Materials. Expand the scope of the QMS with, at least, 5 new tests.
Peer review in Ambiente Date: July 2012 Reviewer: Mariana Arce Osuna, CENAM Report in: INTI Ambiente PR report.pdf Scope: stated CMCs in Ap A Results: The reviewer has mentioned 2 non conformities and 21 recommendations. Actions taken in: INTI-Ambiente Action Plan.pdf INTI-Ambiente Action Plan.pdf
Extracted form the Executive summary of the peer review report): The results generated by INTI in key comparisons and pilot studies are in general satisfactory, although there are examples in which it became clear that more experience is still needed. However, since the activities in chemistry in INTI still in development and moreover the metrology concepts in measurements in chemistry are not well understood for all staffs, still necessary to include within INTI training program all base chemical metrology concepts. It is observed that Research and Development of Special Organic Contaminants of INTI is making very good progress in the right direction. The Research and Development of Special Organic Contaminants have a large amount of chemical analysis equipment available. The facilities are similar to those in other national metrology institutes. They are suitable for the current activities. In general, the measurement methods applied are adequate. Measurement uncertainty evaluation is based on the GUM and related EURACHEM documents.
Extracted form the Executive summary of the peer review report (II) In some cases the claimed uncertainty seems to be on the optimistic side and should be reconsidered, of course taking into account the results of pilot studies and other bilateral comparisons and in particular of key comparisons. Thorough method validation is still necessary addressing all potential uncertainty components. Taking into account some reconsideration as mentioned above, the claimed calibration and measurement capabilities as proposed to become published in the Appendix C of the CIPM MRA are acceptable and seem to be reliable.
CMCs vitality CMCs vitality INTI-Ambiente vitality evidences.pdf Evidences included in file: Summary: Participation in working groups at CCQM, SIM Participations in CCQMK79, CCQM P129, CCQMK55, CCQMK95, AFRIMET QM-K27 Stays at other NMIS Participation in international technical seminars or congresses Organization of national proficiency tests
Up to now, the metrological traceability in services related to INTI CMCs is mainly disseminated by means of o analytical services to samples supplied by customers, or o assignation of reference values in proficiency tests Additionally, INTI is beginning to produce, certify and offer reference materials. Up to know, they are mainly related to measurements in which no CMCs can be stated (for instance, quality of milk parameters) The reviewers have strongly encouraged us to increase this option for CMCs services In that way, ISO Guide 34 is being implemented. Our intention is to have a peer review in the following months and to present the results in the next QSTF meeting Note on the dissemination of traceability in Chemical Metrology:
Thank you!