Postdoctoral Researchers Policy & Procedures Effective July 1,
OVPR 2 New Policy and Procedures for Postdoctoral Research Scholars UGA has a new policy and procedures effective July 1, 2008 Postdoctoral research scholars are no longer considered faculty; OVPR will take over from OFA on July 1 Policy … Was developed in consultation with faculty Defines postdoctoral research as extension of training Strongly encourages minimum compensation level Sets a maximum time limit for occupying the position Outlines the roles and responsibilities for the postdoctoral research scholar and the mentor Details the differences between Postdoctoral Research Associates and Postdoctoral Research Fellows
OVPR 3 Definitions Postdoctoral Research Scholars (generic term) Appointee has received a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate (e.g., D.V.M., Sc.D., M.D.), usually recently, in a field directly related to the postdoctoral research appointee’s assigned duties Assigned responsibilities of the appointee are substantially research and/or scholarship Appointment is full time, limited term Appointment is viewed as preparatory for a full-time academic and/or research career Term of Appointment Five years maximum (one-year grace period for current fifth- year postdoctoral research scholars)
OVPR 4 Types of Postdoctoral Research Scholars Postdoctoral Research Associate Funded from UGA-administered awards; considered employees of UGA, salary paid for required services Postdoctoral Research Fellow Have primarily educational or training status; paid a stipend for which no service is required (no taxes withheld, no 1099 filed) Stipend can be paid from outside source through UGA (e.g., a training grant stipend) or … Postdoctoral Research Fellow Adjunct … Stipend can be paid directly from outside source (e.g., foundation, agency) Fellows and Adjuncts are appointed as employees at $0 for the purposes of UGA-related benefits
OVPR 5 Summary of Postdoctoral Research Positions PostdoctoralPostdoctoralPostdoctoral Research AssociateResearch FellowResearch Fellow Adj. Term of Appointment5 years max.5 years max.5 years max. CompensationSalaryStipendStipend Recommended Min. Salary$30,000/yr(set by sponsor)(set by sponsor) Income Tax OwedYesYesYes Income Tax WithheldYesNoNo 1099 Filed by UGAYesNoNo UGA MyIDRequiredRequiredRequired UGA CardRequiredRequiredRequired UGA Parking EligibleYesYesYes UGA Services (library, etc.)YesYesYes Background InvestigationRequiredRequiredRequired Right-to-Know TrainingRequiredRequiredRequired Laboratory Safety TrainingRequiredRequiredRequired Retirement BenefitsTRS or ORP(none)(none) Health InsuranceEmployeeNot currently offeredNot currently offered Employer ContributionState(sponsor)(sponsor) Annual Leave (no accrual)10 hours/month 10 hours/month10 hours/month Sick Leave (no accrual)8 hours/month 8 hours/month8 hours/month
OVPR 6 Postdoctoral Research Scholar Appointment Package Personnel packages should come to OVPR with Routing Form … Signed letter of offer that includes annual compensation and terms of appointment Official Transcript (English or Notarized Translation) Curriculum vitae Provost Approval (Request to Fill, if applicable) e-Personnel Report, including all required assurances, etc. Signed Intellectual Property Agreement form Signed Security Questionnaire / Loyalty Oath Completed Background Investigation OVPR will now retain centralized records Including an annual review of time in position for all postdoctoral research scholars