URECA ! Undergrad Research Experience and Creative Activity
What is URECA? The program’s goal is to immerse students in a culture of research, scholarship, and/or creative activity and engage them in the many elements associated with that culture. Provides financial support to encourage MTSU students to get involved in research and creative projects. Students can apply for funding Proposals are reviewed and awarded by the Committee Awards will be administered by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research
Who are the reviewers? Although the URC administers the university funds dedicated to undergraduate research, the Undergraduate Research Experience and Creative Activity Committee reviews the proposals. The committee is composed of accomplished and passionate faculty representatives from all academic areas at MTSU. Undergraduate Research Experience and Creative Activity Committee
Why should an undergraduate student do research? Integrates coursework through ‘hands-on’ projects Creates independence Resume-builder – write a proposal, complete a project, report and orally present Great preparation for graduate school, where a main goal is a research project Develops ‘soft skills’ important for entering into and succeeding in the job market URECA grants allow students to build skills in their chosen fields without having to work an outside job.
Program Design….. Research or creative projects will typically relate to the work of one or more faculty members Possibly of the student's own design. Intended not only to encourage students and engage them in scholarship, but also preps for the workplace. Students can apply through the Assistant application, or with the Scholar application.
Assistant Application Contributes to the student’s development as an artist or scholar. Intent of the award is that the student will learn some of the techniques, procedures, or methods common to the academic discipline by participation in an ongoing project. Stipend amount will be determined in consultation with the faculty mentor(s), based on the number of hours the assistant will contribute to a faculty member’s project. The stipend award amount will not exceed $ (100 $8 per hour). Additional award for expenses, up to $ may be requested.
Assistant Application Guidelines Student and mentor(s) agree on the terms of the work assignment The level of involvement The role the student will play in the defined project The expected outcome. A complete application packet must be turned in including a 2-page proposal describing the purpose of the project and the role that the assistant will play in the project.
Assistant Application Packet Application cover sheet (page 1 of Assistant Application form) Faculty mentor endorsement (page 2 of application forms) Project budget (page 3 of application forms) Statement of the proposed project (2 pages maximum, excluding figures and tables) Time schedule (1 page maximum) Application checklist (page 5 of application forms) Travel authorization if applicable Travel authorization
Proposal Guidelines Proposal Guidelines Introduction- What problem(s) will be investigated? What hypothesis/hypotheses will be tested? What will the artistic endeavor explore? What is the overall concept/significance ? Background- provide a brief review of the work that has already been done in the project area. Purpose -what the project will entail and describe the expected outcome. Methods -detailed description of the research methods or creative process that will be used in the project. This description should include a justification for the specific approach that will be used. Time- schedule dates for the initiation and completion of each phase of the project. Collaboration with mentor description - description of the way the student and faculty mentor(s) will collaborate on the project.
Scholar Application Collaborating with one or more faculty members, but will have more ownership of, or take the lead role in their project. For students who have successfully completed an URECA Assistantship or other similar research or creative experience. stipend award amount may not exceed $3,500 (350 $10/hr). Additional awards may be used to cover costs associated with travel integral to the conduct of the project, as well as materials, supplies, library/studio costs, or technical documents connected with the discipline. depend critically upon the justification of need.
Scholar Application Packet Each application packet should include: application cover sheet (page 1 of URECA APPLICATION - SCHOLAR form)URECA APPLICATION - SCHOLAR form faculty mentor endorsement (page 2 of application) project budget with budget justification (page 3 of application) project proposal (5 pages maximum, excluding figures, tables, and references) time schedule (1 page maximum) application checklist (page 5 of application forms) academic transcript (unofficial OK. You may print from Pipeline) travel authorizations if applicable travel authorizations Final Reports are also submitted.
Group Applications Place the group application cover sheet on top of the stack of proposals that contain one application from each member of the group that will be working jointly on the same project. ALSO PLEASE NOTE: Each applicant must write their own proposal, including an explanation of the individual contribution they will be making to the whole.
Stipend Information Stipend Information Note: Be sure if you are receiving financial Aid, to check with the financial aid office to see how the URECA stipend might affect you. 2 stipend checks maximum per semester.- Once the student’s mentor certifies that the student has completed a number of hours, the URECA office will initiate the necessary paperwork for the student to be paid. Mentors can do this via timesheet or . In order to receive a final check, a final report must be turned in.
Awarded Travel Funds…. Travel funds can be awarded if necessary to accomplish the project. Scholars can be awarded up to $1,000 for transportation costs. Assistant travel will only be funded if it is integral to the conduct of the project. Most travel funds are awarded on a reimbursable basis only. Domestic travel authorizations must be turned in 30 days in advance to the travel office, and international authorizations must be turned in 60 days in advance. For reimbursement after travel, a travel claim must be filled out with original receipts.
Deadlines….. For spring and summer awards- Fall 2011 Deadline Oct 4:30. For Summer and Fall Awards- Spring 2012 Deadline: March Applications go to Sam Ingram 011B to Emily Born by 4:30.
Information…. URC- URECA- All forms and info on the Right……