Full Employment Program Community Employers Social Services TANF Recipients (FEP) Benefits to and Responsibilities of the FEP Employer
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services2 What is FEP? Full Employment Program (FEP) – FEP is a subsidized employment program in which a Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) participant is placed in a public or private sector job. – The participant is paid an hourly wage for work done directly from the employer. – The Virginia Department of Social Services will pay the employer a predetermined, fixed monthly stipend for up to six consecutive months.
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services3 Benefit to Employers Predetermined monthly stipends for up to six consecutive months Work Opportunity Tax Credits Supportive Services to the VIEW participant One-time bonus of $500
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services4 Employer Criteria The available position may be: An established position, An unfilled position, or A newly created position The position must conform to section 3304 (a) (5) of the federal Unemployment Tax Act: Cannot be available because of a strike or labor dispute Does not displace a regular worker Must not influence or prohibit the employer from joining a labor organization. Starts with an available position
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services5 Available position The position must offer a minimum of an average of 20 hours of work per week. 01/ hours 01/ hours 01/21 -9 hours 01/ hours 80 4 = 20 hours a week
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services6 Available Position The position offered must also – Pay hourly wages at least equivalent to the current federal minimum wage – Pay wages greater than the monthly TANF check
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services7 Employer Criteria Complete the Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form (IRS Form W-9) (IRS Form W-9) – A copy of the completed form must be given to the local department of social services.
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services8 Employer Criteria Pay the FEP participant through the employer’s payroll system and pay his share of: Social Security contribution, Unemployment insurance, and Worker’s compensation
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services9 Employer Criteria The employer must provide On the job training, Sick leave, holiday and vacation benefits as provided to other employees performing the same task, Healthy and safe working conditions, and An environment free of discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, religion, age, or disability.
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services10 The Selection Process The local department of social services will: – Review the Work Site Position Form – Examine their pool of VIEW participant Skills Hobbies Education Work experience – Provide selected individuals with a VIEW Referral to Work Site form The employer will interview individuals: – Make selection – Enter into a written agreement with the local department of social services
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services11 Employer Criteria Must enter into an agreement with the local department of social services. The agreement will include: Skills and abilities needed Amount of the stipend Hourly wage Number of hours per week Placement begin and end date Conditions for ending the placement and Employer’s obligation to repay stipends they are not entitled to.
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services12 Beginning Date of Employment Whenever possible the placement should begin on the 1 st of the month. When possible do not begin a placement during the last 10 days of the month. January 2005
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services13 FEP Placement Beginning a placement at the beginning of the month is advantageous to the employer. #1 Begins Jan. 3 rd 1/7 -8 hours 1/ hours 1/21 -9 hours 1/ hours 80 4 = 20 wk #2 Begins Jan. 24 th 1/28 -8 hours The employer will NOT receive a stipend based on the hours worked for number 2.
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services14 Follow-ups Monthly follow-ups to track participation and progress: – Is employee continuing in the placement? – Is minimum hour requirement being met? – Is participant cooperating? – Are employers needs being met? – Are there possible future FEP placements? – Is employer ready to offer permanent employment?
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services15 Employer Stipends Predetermined monthly amount of $300 – Issued to the employer the month after the VIEW participant enters a FEP placement and was paid for a minimum of an average of 20 hours per week – Issued for six consecutive months – The employer is NOT entitled to a stipend when the participant is paid for less than an average of 20 hours per week for a given month The employer must return any stipend to which he is not entitled to: Virginia Department of Social Services Division of Financial Management P. O. Box Richmond, VA $
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services16 Employer Bonus Predetermined fixed amount of $500 To qualify for a bonus the employer must: – Hire the VIEW participant on a permanent basis At any time during the six month FEP placement period OR Within 30 calendar days after the FEP placement period has ended
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services17 Viewable Forms Worksite Site Position Form VIEW Full Employment Program (FEP) Agreement Attendance/Performance Rating Sheet
FEP Virginia Department of Social Services18 Thanks!!! The Virginia Department of Social Services appreciates your interest in the Full Employment Program. It is through partnerships like this that Virginia citizens triumph over poverty; achieve self-sufficiency and shape strong futures for themselves, their families and their communities.