Honoraria and Reimbursements for Item Reviewers and Educator Leader Cadre Members Governing Board April 3, 2012 Tamara Reavis (DC) and Doug Sovde (Achieve) 1
Background Proposals Discussion and Vote Overview 2
At the request of several states, an ad-hoc task force was formed to study the following question and make recommendations to the leadership team “Should PARCC support states in providing honoraria to K-16 educators and reimbursements to districts for K-12 substitutes for item review and ELC participation? If so, at what amount(s)? Process 3
Members considered available data on current practices in states, and budget implications Process 4
Data were gathered from PARCC states regarding current practice Data: Item Review 5
Educators should be supported for these purposes. Meetings occurring during July or August are considered to be off-contract for K- 12 educators*. Support for ELC members for in-state activities is provided by the state. All K-16 participants receive a stipend during off-contract days. Reimbursement estimates for substitutes only include those for K-12 educators. Stipends and reimbursements are not accounted for professional development virtual convenings and non-PARCC facilitated in-state meetings. While some states have year-round schools which do not fit this structure, this general assumption is made for cost modeling purposes. Budget Implications: Assumptions 6
Budget Implications: Item Review 7 K-12HE Community Members Total Participants per Meeting Bias & Sensitivity Passage Review State Educator Passage Review Bias & Sensitivity Content Review State Educator Content Review Data Review Committee Totals
Budget Implications: ELCs 8 K-12 HE, Admin, & Other Total Participants per Meeting Educator Leader Cadre Meetings
Budget Implications: Costs 9 Number of Reviewer/Cadre Days Stipends for Reviewers ($150 / day) Number of K- 12 Substitute Days K-12 Substitutes ($100 / day) Total Item Review2,735$410,2502,620$262,000$672,250 Professional Development2,304$345,6002,304$230,400$576,000 TOTAL5,039$755,8504,924$492,400$1,248,250
Support for PARCC Governing States 10 Budget Categories Year 1 Grant Award Year 1 Expenditures as of Year 2 Grant Award Year 2 Expenditures as of Estimated Balance as of Personnel (15 90k) $1,350,000 $1,387, Fringe Benefits $405,000 $416, Travel 4. Equipment 5. Supplies 6. Contractual $94, Training Stipends 8. Other 9. Total Direct Costs $1,755,000 $1,804,140$94, Indirect Costs 13. Total Funds Requested $1,755,000 $1,804,140$94,867$3,465,273
Based on the data and budgets, the Leadership Team recommends that the Governing Board approve the repurposing of unused funds from the budget category “Support for PARCC Governing States” to support item reviewers and Educator Leader Cadre members for PARCC-wide activities. Leadership Team Recommendation 11
12 Discussion and Vote