What do grants have to do with it? Why write a fellowship proposal and how Alison K. Hall, Ph.D. Case School of Medicine Office of Graduate Education
Graduate Fellowship Proposal why write one? where does this fit in my career? mechanisms just for MD-PhDs what is a fellowship proposal anyway? NIH, AHA, others how do you write a proposal?
Why do you want to write a fellowship? 1.Makes the relationship with the PI explicit 2.Benefits associated with grant 3.Looks good on your resume 4.Great learning experience 5.Stipend bonus
– –Refers to the kind of research activity that can be funded F seriesFellowships K seriesCareer awards P seriesProgram projects and centers R seriesResearch projects T seriesTraining programs –Not all institutes support all funding mechanisms Where does this fit in my career?
Copyright restrictions may apply. Dickler, H. B. et al. JAMA 2007;297: First-Time Applicants for R01 Grants by Degree ( ) and Percentage Awarded ( ) # physician investigators applying for first R01s little change for 3 decades Those proposing clinical work less successful MD-PhDs are few, but successful!
NIH Funding Mechanisms National Research Service Awards (NRSA) –F30Predoctoral Awards for MD/PhD Fellowships –F31Predoctoral Fellowships –F32Postdoctoral Fellowships K Awards –K01Mentored Research Scientist Development Awd –K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award –K23Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award –K99/00Pathway to Independence Award
Pre-Doctoral NIH Fellowships at Case
Use the CRISP Database
National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral MD/PhD Fellows (F30) National Institute on Aging National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (not all NIH Institutes!)
April 8, August 8, December 8 Transition to electronic submission “on hold” PHS (paper) $20,772 plus $4,200 include health insurance, tuition! The F30 to promising applicants with the potential to become productive, independent, highly trained physician-scientists in their scientific mission areas
What about Foundations? How do you find the right match? Grantsnet.org Public Charitable Organization MDA, AHA, ACS Support from the public Foundation Private, support from a family or corporation
American Heart Association Ohio Valley Affiliate Predoctoral Fellowship initiate careers in cardiovascular and stroke research January deadline Annual Award Amount $21,000: $20,000 stipend plus $1,000 for health insurance Award Duration One or two years, renew for third
Write for the Reviewers Reviewers are: –Smart –Accomplished –Dedicated –Fair Phyllis McBride, Ph.D.
Write for the Reviewers Reviewers are also: –Busy –Overworked –Skeptical –May not be as knowledgeable about the details of the proposed topic as the PI is Phyllis McBride, Ph.D.
After your grant is submitted…The NIH review process Center for Scientific Review Assigned to a scientific Review Group (SRG/study section) Scientific Review Administrator or Training Director (your friend) Study section meets F’s are scored Summary Statement Funding! Or not…
Inside the NIH Grant Review Process 39 min video NIH Center for Scientific Review Includes R01/K08/ R03 Download proposals View the video on the web
What’s in the NRSA? Form pages including UG, grad grades, MCAT, USMLE Biosketches Research Training Plan 10 pages (a-d) a. specific aims b. background and significance c. preliminary studies d. research design and methods e. human subjects f. vertebrate animals g. literature cited Your career and training goals Mentor’s career development plan for you* 3 sealed letters of reference
Where to start? Read the instructions. Again. Ask for advice in time to learn a research question, specific aims, hypotheses, and long-term research goals.
A strong research idea should pass the “so what” test. What is the benefit of answering your question? Who will it help and how? If you cannot make a definitive statement about the purpose of your research, it is unlikely to be funded. The Research Idea
Strong hypotheses: Give insight into a research question Are testable and measurable by the proposed experiments Spring logically from the experience of the lab and you Make sure you: Provide a rationale—where did hypotheses they come from, and why are they strong? Provide alternative possibilities that could be tested why did you choose the ones you did over others Good hypotheses will lead into your Specific Aims.
Specific aims steps you are going to take to test your hypotheses what you want to accomplish in the course of the grant period Make sure: Your objectives are measurable and highly focused Each hypothesis is matched with a specific aim The aims are feasible in technique, time and money
Pilot data For F30, perhaps a year of work? The goal of this section is to demonstrate experience and competence to perform the proposed project Often, the feasibility of your proposed study is demonstrated through the report of pilot data Can include work of others in lab Try your hardest to collect pilot data, even if your N is small.
Do not give up!! You want to earn support Your mentor wants you to earn support Your study section wants you to earn support Pay attention to the summary statement resubmit
Grantwriting Resources ScienceCareers.org Career Development Articles NIMH Grant Application Process FASEB Grantsmanship Training Program Grant Application Writer’s Handbook, Reif-Lehrer See also Graduate study/grants