National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) Info Meeting May 5, 2010
The Summit of Professionalism National Board certification is a comprehensive professional growth experience based on rigorous national standards of teaching excellence. More than 82,000 teachers have certified since A host of benefits and recognitions await teachers who achieve this goal.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
NBCT & our commitment to student achievement The Simpson County Schools is committed to advancing student achievement through outstanding teaching. NBCT represents the kind of self- reflection, professionalism and on-going excellence in teaching practice that our district highly values.
NBCT Overview 25 areas of certification in 16 subject areas 25 areas of certification in 16 subject areas 25 areas of certification in 16 subject areas Professional portfolio with four entries – due by March 30, 2011 Professional portfolio Professional portfolio Optional Jump Start program (June 2010) – completes one of the four entries Written assessment w/ multiple exercises (by end of June 2011) assessment Mentoring throughout for full-certification candidates
NBCT Overview, continued Scores will be reported in November 2011, with benefits for certifiers retroactive to July If you don’t certify the first year, you have two more years to retake entries or assessments (at additional cost). Certification is valid for about ten years and then can be renewed.
Eligibility Bachelor’s degree Three years teaching experience (for full certification candidates; Take One candidates may include 0-2 years experience) Certified in the area you wish to pursue for national certification
Benefits $2,000 annual salary stipend from state as long as you teach in your certification area or mentor in your certification area (must renew your certification each 10 years) Additional state stipend for mentoring $2,000 annual bonus from district as long as you maintain certification and work in an instructional role (including administrative) Rank I status if you hold a Master’s degree
Supports Mentoring at no cost Payroll deduction option (up to 12 months) for fee payment Take One available at no cost as long as you submit the portfolio entry
More Supports Most candidates are eligible for a federal subsidy of $1,250 toward certification fees and a state stipend of $400 State reimburses 75% of certification costs (up to $1,850)
Fees $65 processing fee $400 JumpStart (optional, but highly recommended) through WKU $500 initial fee $2,000 certification fee Subsidies, stipends, and reimbursements available
Take One Take One program – just one portfolio entry (pre-selected by NBPTS), due April 15, 2011; scores are banked three years. Take One program Take One program Thanks to an NBPTS grant and district support, there are no fees for Take One as long as you submit an entry. Mentoring for Take One candidates throughout the process.
Timetables You may register for NBCT now ($65 up front processing fee for full candidates), up until December 31, 2010 register You may download the portfolio instructions, rubrics, etc., immediately and begin working JumpStart (June 2010) JumpStart
Timetables, continued Cohorts for Take One and NBCT will meet for mentoring through the fall and spring Portfolio entries are due March 30, 2011 for full certification candidates and April 15, 2011 for Take One candidates Scores are reported around November 2011
Next Steps 1.Decide on your certificate area 2.Decide on Take One or full candidacy 3.Register online ($65) for full candidacy, then notify Gary, OR 4.Contact Gary to register for Take One 5.Download standards, portfolio instructions, etc.
Next steps, continued Pay $500 certification fee to make yourself eligible for federal subsidy (and notify Gary again when you do). Pay remaining fees by December 31, Consider payroll deduction option, if needed.
Websites NBPTS website: Certification areas: fields_of_certification fields_of_certification fields_of_certification Portfolio: Assessment at a Glance: choosing_the_right_certi choosing_the_right_certi choosing_the_right_certi Take One:
Websites, continued Online registration: e/apply_now1 e/apply_now1 e/apply_now1 JumpStart :