Sericulture A mission for improvement of livelihood for rural masses
Convergence of MGNREGA with Different line departments- Financial and physical achievement On Implementation of projects under MGNREGA fund during the year up to in west Tripura District. Name of the Department: - Directorate of Handloom Handicrafts & Sericulture.
WEST TRIPURA DISTRICT Particular s Name of the Blocks BelbariMandaiJiraniaOld Agt.BamutiaLafungaMohanpurHezamaraTotal Requir ement Adm. Sanction Fund placed Actual Exp % of Exp Unutilized fund Exp uploaded in MIS % of MIS Amt. pending for MIS No. of mandays generated
Convergence of MGNERAGA & Catalytic Development Programme (CDP) during the year for implementation of Sericulture scheme in the State. Following assistance to be provided to the beneficiaries. #Name of the ComponentUnit.Unit Cost. 1. Construction of rearing house. 1 no. 67, Supply of rearing appliances. 1 Set. 45, Supply of disinfectant materials. As per requirement 3, Stipend for training. 2 Month Total: 1,17, Construction of rearing house. 2. Supply of rearing appliances. 3. Supply of disinfectant materials. 4. Stipend for training
Proposal & planning of convergence of MGNREGA fund 1.In the year of convergence under the financial assistance of MGNREGA fund the Sericulture activity in West Tripura District & finds out its own path for proper existence 2.We are utilizing the fund of MGNREGA for raising Mulberry Garden. But this year we received the fund a bit later because of panchyet Election but we have started the work in time with CDP fund in time & output also satisfactory. 3.If we cannot receive the fund in time or in late stage & start the plantation activity in late the mortality of the plants will be with high rate & out put will be less therefore timely release of fund is very important. 4.The selection of beneficiaries from a compact area is important as sericulture is a group activity but some times beneficiaries selected by the concerned panchyet in a scattered manner for which rendering convergence programme becomes difficult.
5. Due o convergence of MGNREGA after creation of Mulberry garden Dept. providing financial assistance for construction of Silkworm Rearing house for Rs After completion of construction of Silkworm Rearing house the beneficiaries provided rearing appliances like, plastic rearing tray, steel rack, rearing stand, plastic mountages as per the estimated cost of Rs For crop protection the Deptt providing financial assistance for disinfectant materials such as lime, bleaching powder, snitch etc. 8. All the beneficiaries are providing two month training for mulberry plantation & Silkworm rearing under BEP, 9. After establishment of the garden deptt. also providing irrigation facility through submersible pump, electric pump,excavation of pond etc.
Sericulture A mission for improvement of livelihood for rural massesTHANKS