The Federal Advanced Placement Incentive Program (APIP) Grant Award
OBJECTIVES Overview of the Advanced Placement Incentive Program (APIP) Federal Grant Program Review of the financial implications for grant schools Review of the performance measures to evaluate the grant success
Overview of the APIP Grant Purpose: To increase successful participation of low-income students in Alabama in AP Math, Science, and English (MSE) courses & exams Partnership between State Department of Education (SDE), A+ College Ready, and 14 high schools with greater than 40% of the student population on free and reduced lunch.
Goals of the Grant Program 1.Increase the number of MSE AP Courses offered in the 14 program schools 2.Increase the overall enrollment in MSE AP courses and the enrollment in MSE AP courses for low-income students 3.Increase the qualifying scores in MSE overall and increase qualifying scores in MSE earned by low-income students
Funding for Teacher Training CategoryFederal APIP GrantState AP Grant Award A+ College Ready 2011 Lead Teacher Training √ 2012 APSI Training Registration √ *2012 APSI Training Travel Expenses √ *2011 Two Day Training Travel expenses √ *These expenses were listed as district responsibilities in your Letters of Agreement (LOA)
Funding for Teacher/Student Incentives CategoryFederal APIP GrantState AP Grant Award A+ College Ready 2012 Incentives for Students $100/qualifying score √ 2012 Incentives for Teachers $100/qualifying score √ 2012 Threshold Bonuses for Teachers √ 2012 Administrator Bonus √
Funding for Stipends CategoryFederal APIP GrantState AP Grant Award A+ College Ready Lead Teacher Stipends $1,000/discipline/ school √ AP Teacher Stipends Up to $500/teacher and for 2 day training, student study sessions, and vertical team meetings √
Funding for Other Categories CategoryFederal APIP GrantState AP Grant Award A+ College Ready Summer 2012 Equipment & Supplies √ Supplies $3,000/school *Additional Award √ 2012 AP Exam FeesWill be funded by either the State AP Grant Award or A+ College Ready 2011 – 2012 AP Coordinator Travel √ PLAN TestThe SDE will pay for all Alabama High Schools to give the PLAN test in fall, 2012
All of the items in the previous slides, funded through the Federal APIP grant, will be awarded through a sub-grant from the State Department of Education directly to the districts.
Funding for Other Categories CategoryFederal APIP GrantState AP Grant Award A+ College Ready 2012 LTF Training Registration HS Teachers Only √ 2011 Two Day Training Registration √ 2011 – 2012 Student Study Sessions √ The State Department of Education will contract with A+ College Ready to provide these services to your school/district. Therefore, your district will not receive direct funds for these award categories.
The Objectives 1.Increase the number of AP MSE courses 2.Increase the overall enrollment and enrollment of low income students in AP MSE courses 3.Increase the number of qualifying scores on AP MSE exams by all students and by low income students These Grant Goals provide the basis for the measures of success
Government Performance & Results Act (GPRA) Indicators Baseline2012 Target2013 Target2014 Target GPRA Performance Measures Raw NumberRatio% NOTE: At this time, the only other tests approved by the Secretary are the Cambridge International Advanced (A) Level or at the Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level. If schools served by your API grant offer these tests, please include them in your calculations. Indicator #1: The ratio of Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and other advanced placement tests recognized by the Secretary taken in public high schools served by API grants to the number of seniors enrolled at those high schools. 671/2083 MSE All subjects 1166/ % for MSE 56% for all subjects 37%42%47% NOTE: If schools served by your API grant offer Cambridge A or AS Level tests, please include them in your calculations. Include either A or AS Level tests receiving a score of E or higher. Indicator #2: The ratio of AP, IB, and other approved advanced placement tests passed (AP tests receiving scores of 3 or higher, IB tests receiving scores of 4 or higher, or other advanced placement tests receiving equivalent scores) by low-income students in public high schools served by API grants to the number of low-income seniors enrolled at those schools. 19/1196 MSE 33/1196 All subjects 1.6 % 2.8% 25%35%47%
Grant Goal Tracker Goals Project-specific Performance Measures Baseline2012 Target2013 Target2014 Target Raw numberRatio% Goal #1: To Increase the number of MSE AP courses offered in 14 low income high schools with a pervasive need for AP Programs Indicator #1.1: By August 2014, the number of MSE courses will increase from 41 to Goal #2: To Increase the enrollment in MSE AP courses in target schools Indicator #2.1: Increase the number of students that take an MSE AP course by 78% in year one, and by 10% in years two and three Indicator #2.2: Increase the number of low income students enrolled in MSE AP course to 25% of total enrollment in year one, to 35% in year two and to 47% in year Goal #3: To Increase the number of qualifying scores on MSE AP exams in target schools Indicator #3.1: By August 2014, the number of QS in MSE AP will increase from 227 to Indicator #3.2: By August 2014, the number of qualifying scores in MSE AP for low-income students will increase from 19 to
Goal Tracking Worksheet-- # of Exams Taken and # of Qualifying Scores May, 2011 Baseline Data Score Distribution CoursesStudents By Exam Taken12345Passing Scores Biology Calculus Chemistry Computer Science1 1 1 English Language English Literature Physics C Stats Totals
Goal Tracking Worksheet— Demographics of Exam Takers May, 2011 Baseline Data GenderRace/EthnicityLow Income Limited English Proficiency Courses Demographics for exams takenMaleFemaleAmer IndAsianBlackWhiteHispanicOther/NRPaidF/R Biology Calculus Chemisty Computer Science English Language English Literature Physics C Stats Totals
Goal Tracking Worksheet— Demographics of Students Making Qualifying Scores May, 2011 Baseline Data GenderRace/EthnicityLow Income Limited English Proficiency Courses Demographics for exams passedMaleFemaleAmer IndAsianBlackWhiteHispanicOther/NRPaidF/R Biology Calculus Chemisty Computer Science English Language English Literature Physics C0 Stats Totals
Goal Tracking Worksheet to be developed—Total Enrollment in AP MSE Courses and Demographics of Enrollees
We need your help 1.Provide us with the number of students in each AP math, science, and English course who TOOK an AP exam in spring, 2011 who is classified as Limited English Proficient 2.Provide us with the number of students in each AP math, science, and English course who MADE A QUALIFYING SCORE in spring, 2011 who is classified as Limited English Proficient. 3.Provide us with the student enrollment data, along with the demographic information (including Limited English Proficient) for students enrolled in AP math, science, and English classes for the 2010 – 2011 school year. We need this for our baseline data. 4.Please send to
Questions Phyllis Rase, State Department of Education (334) Mary Boehm, A+ College Ready (205) Tammy Dunn, A+ College Ready (205)