October 5, 2010 Title III Services to Private Schools
Presenters Paula Gaddis or Jan Lanier or
Statutory and Regulatory Requirements No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title IX, Part E, Secs Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), Part 76, Secs
Statutory and Regulatory Requirements AFTER timely and meaningful consultation, LEAs receiving Title III funds must provide educational services to LEP children and personnel in private schools Services must be equitable, timely and address their educational needs.
Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Equitable services – per pupil allocation and time Timely services – begin at same time as public school services Address their educational needs – determined at consultation
Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Services must be secular, neutral, and nonideological. LEAs may serve private schools directly or through a third party provider. Providers must be independent of the private school and of any religious organization.
Statutory and Regulatory Requirements LEA retains control of funds, title to materials and equipment purchased with those funds as well as contract for any third party provider. Funds to serve private school children and personal may not be commingled with nonfederal funds.
Private School Service Consultation Discussion between public and private school officials on key issues that affect the ability to eligible private school students to participate equitably in Title programs.
Consultation Goal To design and implement a program that will provide equitable services and meet the needs of eligible private school student and/or teachers and other educational personnel Consultation is on-going throughout the year once the initial planning is complete.
Timely Consultation Before LEA makes decisions that affect private school participation In order to begin services at the start of the school year Projected funding – plan designed based on this amount Mid-late winter – plan in place
Size and scope of the equitable services to be provided to the eligible private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel and the amount of funds available for those services How and when the agency, will make decisions about the delivery of services, including a thorough consideration and analysis of the views of the private school officials on the provision of contract services through potential third-party providers Consultation Topics
How children’s needs will be identified What services will be offered How, where, and by whom the services will be provided (nuts and bolts) How the services will be assessed and how the results of the assessment will be used to improve those services The Plan…
Who may receive services? Qualifying private school students and their teachers whose schools are located within an LEA that receives a subgrant from the state for participation in Title III
Assessments Intake testing – required LEA responsibility, Title III funds (non-supplanting) Annual LEP testing (ELDA) not required need determined during consultation who pays determined during consultation Assessment of services - required
Points to Ponder LEA must assess the needs of private school students and personnel and design a program the meets their needs. The program may or may not be the same as for the public school students. Everything happens based on consultation.
Funds may be used for Programs to upgrade student reading and other academic skills Accountability systems to monitor progress of LEP and former LEP students Family education programs, parent outreach and training activities Identifying, acquiring, and applying effective curricula, materials, and assessments aligned to standards
Funds may be used for Tutors or vocational and technical training Adapting best practice models for LEP students Assisting LEP students with disabilities Applied learning activities such as service learning Educational technology or instruction materials
Funds may be used for Professional Development Preservice and inservice for teachers working with private school Title III children Collaborative efforts among teachers to improve instruction in core academic subjects, especially reading, for LEP students To support teacher use of educational technology
Funds may be used for Professional Development Programs to assist beginning teachers who serve LEP students such as mentoring or team teaching Developing curricular materials and assessments Coordinating activities with other entities carrying out other programs consistent with stated purpose of Title III
Funds may be used for Professional Development Upgrading qualifications and skills of personnel working with or preparing to work with LEP students Recruitment and training of secondary school students as teacher who will serve LEP students Costs related to course of study at an institution – must pay back in dollars or time Teacher stipends the same as for public teachers
During consultation Reflects needs of students and Skills and knowledge needed by private school teachers of Title III students LEA assessment of PD should include review of student test scores. Professional Development
Not Allowed Reimbursement for materials or services that were purchased by the private school without prior permission from the LEA Requiring the private school to do the same program and services as the public school Textbooks to be used in the regular classroom (math books for ELLs when the private school buys math books for others)
Not Allowed A set of manipulatives that will be used by all students including ELL students Gift for faculty or staff as “thank-you” Stipend for professional development during the contract day