Council of Graduate Coordinators and Staff (CGCS) Meeting March 8, 2013
Agenda Items New Grad Admission Application account Grad Pending Files (weekly reports) Chancellor’s Fellows Poster Session: Faculty Judges MDHE Review of PhD Programs at S&T New Dissertation Completion Fellowship Stipend X restructure committee Reminders Upcoming Events
New Grad Admission Application Account The address for graduate staff to send applications/action sheets to is:
Grad Pending Files (weekly reports) – Refer to the weekly enrollment report (from 3/1/13) for FS 13 – Need to address the pending files and admitted students issues
Chancellor’s Fellows Poster Session: Faculty Judges – CF Poster session is on March 13 (Wednesday) from 11am-1pm at the Havener Center Atrium (upstairs) – Any faculty interested in serving as judges, please get in touch with Elaine Light
MDHE Review of PhD Programs at S&T FS 2013 follow-up of degree program audit by Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) which was conducted during the fall of Meeting with departments to ascertain the progress and status of the programs since the last review, and to offer the assistance of my office to help prepare the response to the upcoming review.
MDHE Review of PhD Programs at S&T (contd) Discuss general program issues surrounding time-to- degree completion – in particular, barriers that your program and students may face – and to discuss services that my office can offer in assistance in this regard, and more generally. Dr. Stephen Clark (Provost’s Special Assistant) will be helping me.
MDHE Review of PhD Programs at S&T (contd) Aerospace Engineering, PhD Computer Engineering, PhD Computer Science, PhD Mathematics, PhD Petroleum Engineering, PhD
Dissertation Completion Fellowship Dissertation writing can become easier if the student is given the opportunity to focus on writing and not worry so much by the GTA/GRA duties. Could help in the time-to-degree metric Could be a good retention tool My office is willing to explore this option. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate in this effort.
Stipend X restructure committee Many elements to be considered in the Stipend X restructure model including (but not limited to) the following: – Inclusion of tuition and fees for GRAs as separately budgeted line items in their extramural funding proposals. – “Tiered + Range” Stipend Structure For each tier, a salary range is specified. The tiered + range structure can be used to make competitive offers and also reward current graduate students with demonstrated results. - Health Insurance, etc.
Stipend X restructure committee (contd) A small committee is being setup to address the Stipend X restructure issues – How should Stipend X be restructured? – What are the financial implications of Stipend X on the institution? – How should the restructured Stipend X model be implemented at S&T? If any of the graduate coordinator is interested to serve on the committee, please let me know.
Upcoming Events Chancellor’s Fellows Poster Session March 13 th 11am-1pm Havener Center Upstairs Atrium Chancellor’s Fellows Awards Banquet April 2 nd 6pm-8pm St. Pat’s Ballroom C- Havener Center CGCS Meeting April 12 th 12pm-1pm 140 Toomey Hall For a complete list of events, please visit our website:
Announcements/Reminders The last day our office will accept theses and dissertations for the 1 st format check is Monday, April 8 th. Forms 2/7 and the final library copy of theses and dissertations are due no later than 4pm on Wednesday, April 17 th. Those departments who require an MS Comprehensive Exam must submit Form 3 by Wednesday, April 17 th.
Open Items
Thanks for attending. Next Meeting: At 12pm March 8, 140 Toomey Hall