Kathy Emeigh, Director of Curriculum IU20 Amaal Awadalla, Assistant Director of Curriculum IU20 Susan Kinney, PA Statewide Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

Kathy Emeigh, Director of Curriculum IU20 Amaal Awadalla, Assistant Director of Curriculum IU20 Susan Kinney, PA Statewide Coordinator

What is RAISE? A. Reading Actively to Improve Students’ Education B. Racing Around to Increase Scores Everywhere C. Reading Apprenticeship Improving Secondary Education

 WestEd was awarded a multi-million dollar grant through the U.S. Department of Education’s i3 competition.  Grant designed to: ◦ Intensify professional development for secondary teachers in the Reading Apprenticeship Framework ◦ Provide students with multiple teachers in various disciplines implementing Reading Apprenticeship practices ◦ Determine the impact of RA on teaching practices, students’ attitudes towards reading, and reading comprehension

In what year of the five year i3 Grant is WestEd beginning? A. Year 1 B. Year 2 C. Year 3

 Five year grant 

How many states are involved in the RAISE Grant, including PA? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5

 Pennsylvania  Indiana  Michigan  Utah  California (just starting to recruit) PA chosen as a result of the extensive professional development already in place and the existing capacity to intensify the work.

Which subject area teachers are involved in RAISE? A. ELA B. Science C. Social Studies D. All of the Above

 Will be recruiting teachers in sciences other than just Biology starting in 2012.

PA Schools involved in the RAISE grant can be categorized into how many groups? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

Carbondale Area School DistrictCarbondale Area JSHS Chichester School DistrictChichester High School Fairview School DistrictFairview High School Interboro School DistrictInterboro High School Milton Area School DistrictMilton High School Northo Pocono School DistrictNorth Pocono High School Oil City Area School DistrictOil City Senior High School School District of LancasterMcCaskey East High School South Eastern School DistrictKennard-Dale High School Warren County School DistrictWarren Area High School

 Will receive 65 hours of professional development in RA beginning in  Teachers receive $1000 stipend per year for data collection.  Data collection will occur the first three years of grant project.  Monthly teacher surveys  Annual student survey  Annual student reading assessment  Classroom observations

 Very important that these schools are not exposed to RA  Keep in mind when discussing Keystones to Opportunity with the Control Schools

 Carlisle High School  Huntington High School (Hunting Area SD)  Riverside High School  Spring-Ford Area High School  East High School (Erie SD)  Mountain View High School  Souderton High School  Turkeyfoot Valley High School  Twin Valley High School  Wyomissing Junior/Senior High School  Upper Moreland High School

 Teachers receive $1000 stipend for 10 days of PD.  Teachers receive $1000 stipend a year for data collection for first three years. ◦ Monthly teacher surveys ◦ Annual student survey ◦ Annual student reading assessment ◦ Classroom observations

 Boyertown Area High School  Liberty High School (Bethlehem Area SD)  Freedom High School (Bethlehem Area SD)  East Stroudsburg High School South  Northampton High School  Delaware Valley High School  North Penn High School  Pleasant Valley High School  Stroudsburg High School  Whitehall High School (Whitehall-Coplay SD)

 Teachers receive $1000 for 10 days of PD  Data collection ◦ 3 annual teacher surveys – voluntary ◦ 1 annual administrator survey – voluntary ◦ Teachers and administrators signed a consent form if they agreed to participate in the survey

 January 23-24, 2012 at PaTTAN Harrisburg  August 7-9, 2012 at DeSales University

RAISE will not be recruiting more schools beyond Cohort II. A. True B. False

 RAISE will be recruiting a total of four cohorts ◦ Cohort I: ◦ Cohort II: ◦ Cohort III: ◦ Cohort IV:

 Recruitment will start Monday, December 12 ◦ Flyer will be sent out via PennLink  70 ELA, 70 History, 70 Science teachers  10 days of PD ◦ July 30 – August 3 ◦ DeSales University ◦ Winter dates TBD ◦ $1000 stipend for teachers  Identify a Teacher Leader

 Cohort II Principals Agree to ◦ Attend 2 days of the summer training OR ◦ Participate in the Act 45 RA course (which will be paid for through RAISE) OR ◦ Can choose both

 Online registration  Informational webinars ◦ January 5 and 10, 2012  Deadline for registration is February 10, 2012