HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CTSO Overview Job-Alike Fall 2014 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver 21 st CENTURY LEARNING BPA - Business Professionals of America DECA FBLA - Future Business Leaders of America FCCLA - Family, Career and Community Leaders of America FFA – Future Farmers of America TAFE – Texas Association of Future Educators HOSA – Health Occupations Students of America SkillsUSA TTSA – Texas Technology Student Association State Recognized CTSOs
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Lead Sponsor - must have five or more student members Assistant Sponsor - May be added only if the chapter has 30 students members or more Second Lead Sponsor (same CTSO/same campus) - Each chapter must have at least 25 students ( Secondary chapters may not have assistant unless 30 or more in that chapter ) Funding for Campus Chapters
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Campus Commitment Membership Roster Monthly Meetings Leadership Conference Community Services Project Fundraising (optional) Requirements for CTSO Chapters
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Commitment Form signed by Principal Stipend Request form Copy of National Roster Chapter Meeting documentation Leadership Conference documentation Community Service project documentation - Two (2) projects each school year. Fundraisers are optional and should not be one in the same as the service project Stipend Request Documentation
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Commitment Form One form per campus Must be signed and approved by campus principal Please write legibly Can be located on CTE website (Teachers – Forms & Documents – CTSO)
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Stipend Request Form Required by all Sponsors Lead and Assistant Total of 50 hours should be reported Must be approved and signed by campus principal Can be located on CTE website (Teachers – Forms & Documents – CTSO)
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver National Roster Produced upon registering and making payment to National CTSO
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Meeting Documentation Meet once a month Each meeting shall be documented with sign-in sheet Provide a copy of minutes taken by Secretary at each meeting
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Leadership Conference Sponsor shall take a group of students to at least one Leadership Conference each year Leadership Conferences within your CTSO– – Fall/Spring – Regional/District – State – National – May not include local non-CTSO event
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Leadership Conference Brochures Daily Agendas Completion Certificate Awards Pictures Examples of Documentation
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver A chapter project that provides an opportunity for members to better understand the importance of civic activities in a community The outcome is in the form of a contribution to the community or a charity, not the CTSO chapter The project provides an opportunity for the chapter members to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary in planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating a community service project One Service Project each school semester Projects may include blood drive, food drive, clothing drive, collecting money for a charity in the form of sales or donations, school supply drive, working at a local shelter, park, nursing home, etc Community Service Project
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Community Service Project cont. Examples of Documentation Flyer/Marketing material Pictures Results of items collected or work completed Donation report
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Fundraiser (optional) Possible Activities Bake Sale Raffle Coupon Book Money raised benefits the CTSO or school in any way
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Teacher travel Teacher registration (Leadership conference only) Submit online Wufoo form: Professional Development Funding Request What can be paid for…
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Submission Title pages Sponsor examples CTSO Portfolio
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Fall – December 1, 2014 Spring – April 27, 2015 Submission Schedule