OCSD Professional Development and Evaluation
The Framework Structure Based on both empirical studies and theoretical research, the Framework for Teaching is divided into four areas of teaching responsibility—each area is called a domain. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Common Themes include: Equity Cultural competence High expectations Developmental appropriateness Attention to individual students, including those with special needs Appropriate use of technology Student assumption of responsibility
This training on the Framework for Teaching includes: The Understanding the Framework for Teaching module, which describes how the Framework is organized and what aspects of teaching are included in the Framework for Teaching. The Applying the Framework for Teaching module, which scaffolds your use of the Framework to reflect on your teaching and to develop specific instructional moves to use in the classroom to improve your practice.
The Framework Component learning modules offer more in-depth study on some of the components in the Framework, including videos of sample classrooms that illustrate the different levels of performance. (This training includes modules on 8 of the observable components from domains 2 and 3 of the Framework. It does not include modules on all components in the Framework.)
Levels Exemplary – Level 4
Levels Proficient – Level 3
Levels Basic – Level 2
Levels Does Not Meet Standard – Level 1
Applying the Framework
Creative ways to use With a group of colleagues There would be some great dialogue within the group PLC study on the Framework Lunch group discussion about the domains Use the member directory to share your comments and learning with other peers
Next Steps... All certified staff are highly encouraged to participate in this PD on the evaluation domains Completing TeachScape takes about 16 hours TeachScape needs to be completed by April 1, 2013 Certified staff completing TeachScape will receive a $250 stipend for completing this professional development and 16 hrs. of PDU’s
Next Steps... To receive your $250 stipend the following are requested – Use the journal in TeachScape and record your reflections, thoughts and next steps to improve your practice The journals are for YOU. They will not be collected or viewed by anyone but YOU You will receive a form in TalentEd Perform in the next several weeks to complete and submit for your stipend, once you have completed TeachScape
Demonstration on how TeachScape works Creating a username and password for log-in Technical concerns Questions? Time to experience TeachScape Need help? Contact