SPOD and YOU A guide to understanding the Student Postdoc Outreach and Development Committee for SPOD Committee Members
Team Responsibilities The Student/Postdoctoral Outreach and Development (formerly Education) Committee (SPOD) is dedicated to: foster interaction among students from different schools within a broad geographic area, foster professional/scientific interactions between students and academia/industry, and increase student involvement in professional and AAPS activities.
Role of the Representative Member – There is one committee member from each of the 9 sections, 2 members-at-large, and an EC liaison. These members along with the Chair, Chair Elect and Past Chair serve one year term in their role and represent and address issues related to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in pharmaceutical sciences / and related fields. Student – The role of the student member in SPOD is to represent the graduate students and postdoctoral fellows within AAPS and shed light on issues and concerns for them.
Projects: Mentoring Program The AAPS mentoring program is a voluntary partnership designed to provide the graduate student or postdoc mentee with knowledge, encouragement, and guidance in order to achieve their professional goals. Each section takes responsibility for setting up their mentoring program. For more information please visit your student portion of your section webpage.
Projects: Student Initiated Programming (SIP) SPOD awards of up to $65,000 per year, support large, multiple- day, multi-university student-initiated programming. Application deadlines are January 15 and July 15 every year. nt/Postdoctoral_Outreach___Development_Committee_(SPOD)/
Projects: Student Chapter of the Year Award (SCOTY) The AAPS Student Chapter of the Year awards recognize student chapters that have provided exceptional service and outreach to their members and the organization. All student chapter award recipients will receive an award certificate along with a stipend. Three awards given every year.
Projects: Webinars The role of the webinar committee within SPOD is to produce timely educational webinars that benefit students / post doctoral fellows and their educational needs. Past webinars: “From the Lab to Your Medicine Cabinet-A Pharmaceutical Drug’s Journey” Future webinars: “Landing Your First Job in Industry”; “How to Balance Work and Life”;
Projects: Other Projects within SPOD come up periodically based on interactions with other institutions and associations. US Science and Engineering Festival (USSEF) AACP SIG Curriculum Development INTEL Science and Engineering Fair
FAQ AMPC – Annual Meeting Programming Committee NBCPC – National Biotechnology Conference Planning Committee Career Center
Student Initiated Programming (SIP) – Submission dead line - July 15 th & January 15 th Student Chapter of the Year Award (SCOTY) – Submission dead line - June 15 th AM & NBC Programming – Professional development, symposiums, sunrise sessions, mentoring breakfast – Jamboree AM: July Annually NBC: April Annually SPOD Calendar