Welcome! If possible, please sit next to someone who does not know or understand your scholarly work. Workshop goals: 1.Familiarize participants with the Faculty Development Grants and Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Grant applications and the process by which the subcommittee recommends funding to the dean’s office; 2.Encourage faculty to define project plans and discuss their projects with colleagues; 3.Help determine if the faculty member should pursue an IRB application; and 4.Help applicants to understand their role in presenting a convincing proposal to the committee
The Faculty Development Subcommittee provides funding through Faculty Development Grants for faculty-initiated projects that enhance the scholarship, creative work, and teaching of the College. The Subcommittee will prioritize projects in the following order: 1.initiation, continuation, or completion of original scholarly or creative work, according to the applicant’s departmental definition of scholarship (this includes workshops and conferences at which attendance will enhance the ability of the applicant to conduct this work); 2.course development or improvement; 3.support of January Term travel course development. Within each category, priority is given to those who have not received funds in the last three years, and to those who have not yet received tenure. Grants will be modest in extent, and may be used to start work that can be continued with external support. Funding will not be provided for faculty salaries or stipends. You can request a course release.
Faculty Student Collaborative Research Grants (FSCRG) FSCRG awards are funded via an endowment that was originally awarded by the Murdock Charitable Trust and other funds donated to the College. Although these proposals may take a variety of forms reflecting the diversity of Linfield’s academic community, they should conform to these general guidelines: Grants may support a collaborative research project involving at least one Linfield faculty member and at least one student. Projects should relate to and benefit the faculty member’s long-term professional development and, where possible, serve as seed money for extra‐institutional funding. Projects should have as a goal the collaborative production of knowledge and/or creative work that will be shared with the professional community through publication or presentation. Students should be actively involved in the process of the research, and should collaborate with the faculty member for about ten weeks in the summer, logging a minimum of 100 hours per student and a maximum of 400 hours. Please note that campus policy states students will receive free summer housing on the McMinnville campus if they are working with a faculty member a minimum of 20 hours per week. You may apply every year – there are no restrictions on repeat applications.
Project description (2 pages maximum) Please describe the proposed research. Include in the description: Sufficient background to justify the need for the project A description of the aims or purpose of the research or creative work A description of the roles of the faculty member and students in the project (FSCRG Only) A description of how the results of the work will be disseminated (this could include publications, conference presentations, exhibitions of creative work, seed money for applications to external granting agencies, etc.) Did you explain your project well? Did you understand the point of your colleague’s work?
Project implementation description Describe the manner in which goals will be accomplished. Please include: A detailed timeline of project events A detailed budget for the project (use the budget form provided below). You may provide an additional narrative description of your budget if desired. FDG adjunct rate: $920/credit terminal degree, $850/credit w/o terminal degree FSCRG Student Stipend: Minimum wage is $9.25/hour + 8.5% payroll. 400 hours=$ FSCRG Faculty Stipend: $2000 How can the money you are requesting make your scholarly life better? 5
Applicant’s professional development description (FDG)/Benefit of the project (FSCRG) Briefly describe the role of this project in the applicant’s evolution as a professional 5
FDC Subcommittee Jeff McNamee (NSM) Mindy Larson (SBS) Daniel Pollack-Pelzner (AH) Patrice O’Donovan (PDX) We are charged with recommending how our limited faculty development funds will be best spent. How strong is the case for your project? Is the project well defined? Does the committee feel confident that you have the appropriate skill set to complete the work? Will funding your project result in a future return for you, your students (FSCRG only), your career, and Linfield?
We look forward to reading your applications! Questions? Application forms can be found on the Academic Affairs website Submit Faculty Development Grants as one pdf to Submit Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Grants as one pdf to Due date for both grants: March 9, 2015