Provost Forum Provost Office Priorities: Mark A. Pagano, December 4, 2014
Academic Affairs Updates City College Dean Search – Update 3 Finalist selected Interviews to be held January 21-24
Academic Affairs Priorities ( ) Priority 1: Complete Futureu Strategic Plan First Year Report - Project delayed due to Chancellor transition. Futureu team met 10/31/14 to delayed due to Chancellor transition. Futureu team met 10/31/14 to determine the path forward to advance the plan. Revised progress determine the path forward to advance the plan. Revised progress estimates/updates/deletions to be determined 12/5/14 Priority 1: Complete Program Prioritization and immediately begin implementation of the results – Provost completed recommendation in June 2014, Awaiting Chancellor direction, MSUB presented to the BOR with a brief update November 21, IR has completed estimates/updates/deletions to be determined 12/5/14 Priority 1: Complete Program Prioritization and immediately begin implementation of the results – Provost completed recommendation in June 2014, Awaiting Chancellor direction, MSUB presented to the BOR with a brief update November 21, IR has completed two additional years of data and inserted trend lines to assist final two additional years of data and inserted trend lines to assist final resolution and implementation resolution and implementation
Academic Affairs Priorities (continued) Priority 1: Work with Deans on College-related issues – Working on Faculty - overload and part-time faculty use guidelines. Also, we are Faculty - overload and part-time faculty use guidelines. Also, we are looking at how course CAPs and room selections are managed. looking at how course CAPs and room selections are managed. Currently working toward a reduction in overloads of 70-75% Currently working toward a reduction in overloads of 70-75% Priority 1: Work with OCI and OIS to establish and institutionalize new Faculty Excellence Awards for Community Engagement, and Inter- Faculty Excellence Awards for Community Engagement, and Inter- national Outreach - Done (except for sustaining award funding) national Outreach - Done (except for sustaining award funding) Summit being organized by OCI and Provost Office for Spring 2015 Summit being organized by OCI and Provost Office for Spring Faculty Excellence nominations due to Vice Provost Redinger 2015 Faculty Excellence nominations due to Vice Provost Redinger on or before 12/12/14 on or before 12/12/14 Priority 1: Work with MSUB Foundation to raise significant portion of funds for Yellowstone Hall – Case Statement and drawings received funds for Yellowstone Hall – Case Statement and drawings received approximately $1.2M raised to date approximately $1.2M raised to date
Academic Affairs Priorities Priority 1 – Actively participate with Chancellor’s Student Success Initiative (12/8/14), Re-invigorate Futureu process (12/5/14), Charge UBC (12/9/14) and EBC Priority 1– Additional Budget reductions need to be considered to compensate for additional Fall 2014 enrollment decrease -$900K proposed, of this $111K is from AA,, and approximately $590K is from Enrollment Reserve (see upcoming slide) Priority 1 – Additional Budget reductions need to be considered to compensate for additional Fall 2014 enrollment decrease - $900K proposed, of this $111K is from AA,, and approximately $590K is from Enrollment Reserve (see upcoming slide)
FY15 Budget by Executive Approved Budget % of Total Proposed Reductions % of Total Revised Budget % of Total Chancellor 2,099,0594.8% (45,180)5.0% 2,053,8794.8% Athletics 2,033,1334.7% -0.0% 2,033,1334.8% Total Chancellor 4,132,1929.5% (45,180)5.0% 4,087,0129.6% Academic Affairs 24,051, % 111,202 (91,202)10.1% 23,960, % Administrative Services 8,033, % (82,270)9.1% 7,951, % Student Affairs 3,625,2148.4% 71,348 (91,348)10.1% 3,533,8668.3% Other 3,478,8238.0% (590,000)65.6% 2,888,8236.8% Total 43,321, % (900,001) % 42,421, % Other Enrollment Reserve 706,361 (190,000) 516,361 Bad Debt 294,250 (100,000) 194,250 Classified Bonuses 41,022 Waivers 2,293,190 (300,000) 1,993,190 Scholarships from reserves 144,000 3,478,823 (590,000) 2,888,823 Proposed UBC/EBC Budget Reductions for Budget
Academic Affairs Priorities (continued) Priority 1 – Launch a Comprehensive “Tool Kit” to better support and enhance success in faculty scholarly/pedagogical activities New CARE timeline and increased allocation (now in 3 parts) New CARE timeline and increased allocation (now in 3 parts) New Summer Stipend Program and/or new Academic Year Release Time Program for faculty grant writing development New Summer Stipend Program and/or new Academic Year Release Time Program for faculty grant writing development Significant e-Learning Program/Certificate/Course development initiative being released this fall Significant e-Learning Program/Certificate/Course development initiative being released this fall Priority 1 – Electronic submission of P/T documents pilot with two faculty members, FA, DRTC and URTC – underway (Through DRTC and Dean now in hands of URTC)– 2 Faculty participating Priority 1 – Equipment and fee solicitations are out – $461K of requests are approved and ready for ASMSUB and then on to BOR
Academic Affairs Priorities (continued) Priority 1 - Plan, organize and host 2nd Annual OneMSU Symposium – OneMSU delayed until Spring 2015, Symposium Topic: Transfer/PLA/ Competency-based Learning, Date: March Priority 2 - Look at possible implementation of e-Learning Proctoring Center and new TEAL Classroom – Teal classroom complete and open house has been conducted. Faculty are in process of applying to use it as a pilot Spring Dr. Balter-Rietz is managing the process. Five different MSUB Faculty using TEAL Spring 2015
OCHE/SD-2/Other Districts/MSUB Dual Enrollment Pilot: Increase Dual Enrollment options for Billings area HS’s Enhance existing University Connections Program Fall students, Fall students Offer at least one Dual Enrollment course at each area high school, including the career center College Algebra at all three SD-2 Schools (Total enroll. = 28) Welding and Early Childhood at Career Center (Total enroll. = 17) Expand Dual Enrollment options in local more-rural communities such as Hardin, Laurel, Park City, etc. College Algebra and Writing at Laurel HS (Total enroll. = 7) Spring 2015 – Western Civilization at Billings Central Catholic HS Spring Trigonometry at all three SD-2 Schools Spring Writing and Algebra both offered again at Laurel HS Discussions continuing at Roundup and Columbus $500 mentor stipend approved temporarily
November 20-21, 2014 AA BOR Agenda Items Present MSUB Mission Review: approved Provost Pagano and Elizabeth Mullins Create a new center in CAS (2 nd reading): approved Women and Gender Studies Center Name Change for CAHP Department : approved Master of Science in Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Presentation on APC Project Status: MSUB Praised by BOR Provost, Mark Pagano and Dean, Diane Duin (APC Chair)
Questions and Discussion
Provost Forum – Page 2 MSUB Extended Campus Director – Mr. Kevin Nemeth December, 4 th, 2014