Bengal Tiger By Lauren Blue
History The Bengal Tiger was first discovered in the Bengal region of India. The first White Bengal Tiger wasn’t found until five years after that, when a tiger wandered into a village and was killed. A little bit after that she had three babies. Two regular and one that was white.
Description Scientific name: Panthem tigris Common name: Bengal tiger Average size: over 7ft long, 3ft high Average weight for a male is about 440 lb Average weight for a female is about 400 lb Their colors are usually red-orange with black strips or white with black strips. Life span is over 20 years.
Habitat Bengal Tigers are only found in India and zoo’s. If they are in the wild they are found in jungles, forests, and swampy areas.
Diet Omnivore They will eat anything they kill, even other tiger but, they would eat mosses and grasses if food is scarce.
Family Life a. Offspring They have 2-7 cubs at once. The most cubs ever born was 13 cubs. They are usually pregnant for 3-4 months. b. The mother usually takes care of the cub for 3 years.
Characteristics a. A tiger is usually solitary in nature, and very aggressive. They are also territorial and will ward away any other tigers by showing they’re large teeth and claws.
Sources tigers/bengal-tiger-information.html tigers/bengal-tiger-information.html information.htm information.htm tigers.html tigers.html