BIG CAT RESCUE Урок- юридическая консультация для учащихся старших классов общеобразовательной школы 2010 год Авторы проекта: учителя высшей квалификационной категории г. Комсомольск-на-Амуре Буторина Ольга Алексеевна Некрасова Татьяна Михайловна Panthera tigris altaica
TIGER DAY – SEPTEMBER, 23 This festival became an annual city holiday with over thousands of participants and is held every year. These efforts would inspire many similar public displays of affection for tigers around the world. Its aim is to educate people about the dangers facing tigers and other wild animals in the Russian Far East. A few dozen school children and parents dressed up as tigers and endangered wildlife to parade in the streets in Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-na- Amure, Vladivostok and other towns.
THE EARTH IS A GARDEN The Earth is a garden. It is a beautiful place For all living creatures, For all human race. Food is a treasure From the soil and the seas Clean fresh air From the plants and the heels. Helping mother Earth We can peacefully roam We all deserve a place We can call our home. The warmth of the sun Turns water into rain It is nature way!
WARM UP - WORD WEB TIGER ISCANSLEEPSEATS HAS GOT LIVESLIKES Tell us: What the tigers’ habitat is If people can be friends with tigers Which species do not exist…. Why the tigers are disappearing ….
The area of sites of dwelling of tigers: Males km / Females to km. Tigers are very conservative. They often use the same tracks. TIGER- GENERAL INFORMATION
The largest of the five tiger species left roaming the planet. It is a rare predator threatened with extinction. It is the biggest and one of the most furious cats. It’s an animal included into the Russian Federation Red Lists of Threatened Species. It is the most beautiful alive animal living in the taiga of the Russian Far East.
TIGER- GENERAL INFORMATION The tiger’s body is lengthened, the head is round, the legs are not long and the tail is contrary long Size and Weight Body length with head and with tail- 3 meters (9.8 feet). Adult female weights kg (290 pounds) Adult male kg -300 ( pounds). A newborn cub’s weight - 1kg (2 pounds) 3 months cub - 10 kg (22 pounds). 3 years–old cub’s weight -over 100 kg (220 pounds).
TIGER- GENERAL INFORMATION Pads Claws Steps Long (up to 10 cm (4 inches)) sharp claws serve to capture the pray Soft pads allow tigers to sneak silently upon its prey The size of a tiger is judged by its step /70-80 sm/
TIGERS IN DANGER Poaching, human caused destruction of tiger habitat, a decline in the number of ungulates that are the predator's primary prey, these are the factors that today threaten the survival of the tiger in the wild.
Why are so many tigers disappearing? People kill them for money, for its skin, for sale, for medicine.
To Live or not to Live? Living speciesDo not exist Amur (Siberia, Ussury) Tiger Indian ( Bengaly) Tiger Indochina Tiger Southchina Tiger Sumatra Tiger Turan ( Kaspyisky)Tiger Yava Tiger Bali Tiger Among the 8 species only 5 are alive. Bali Tiger, Yava Tiger and Turan do not exist any more. There are only adult individuals and cubs inhabiting the Russian Far East
CONCLUSION What is done to save the tiger? Nowadays, lots of Green Organizations decided to cooperate. Countries are getting together to come up with solutions to save the tiger, such as tougher punishments for poaching and smuggling. The organizations are raising money, fighting poaching, catching cubs for zoos and reserves. The results are promising- many zoos around the world have beautiful Amur Tigers descended from the little cubs caught in the Far East of Russia. Can the Great cats be saved? “Yes”, Dr. Rabinowitz, a director of the Global Tiger Campaign, responds. “ As long as there are people who care about tigers, there’s hope.
In Russia's Red Data Book of Endangered Species, the Amur tiger is attributed to Category I as a rare, decreasing in numbers subspecies, which is placed under the threat of extinction. Hunting for tigers is prohibited since We should know that….
By protecting its habitat and prey base we save the Amur tiger