Inter American University of Puerto Rico Tiger Venture Competition 2011
The Tiger Venture Competition (TVC) 2011 is a Coca- Cola /Inter American University (IAU) sponsored Business Idea Competition that has the main objective of creating an entrepreneurship spirit among Inter American student body. The TVC also prepares students (as a warm-up round) for EnterPRize’s Business Plan Competition.
Objectives 1)Showcase IAU as the leading academic institution in entrepreneurship studies in Puerto Rico. 2)Build momentum and excitement across student body (all campuses) about being an entrepreneur 3)Study and develop a business idea into a real opportunity 4)Commence team building at an early stage 5)Low risk/high fun process for Students/Participants Tiger Venture Competition
2) Tiger Business Idea Competition (March 2011) The Business Idea Competition consists of a structured, short, written description of the product/idea, the market opportunity, which the customer is and why they will buy your offering, your competitive advantage and a brief description of the skills, experience and achievements that qualifies the person or team to execute the idea 1) Tiger Rocket Pitch (February 2011) The Rocket Pitch Competition is a student presentation that recognizes and celebrates the creativity, discipline and skills to concisely and convincingly sell a new idea Tiger Venture Competition (Two Step Project)
Tiger Rocket Pitch Competition The Rocket Pitch Competition is a student presentation that recognizes and celebrates the creativity, discipline and skills to concisely and convincingly sell a new idea. Concepts pitched must be the original work of the entrants and be for a new business, social venture or idea/innovation. All presentations must be live and each successful Elevator Pitch will address and answer the 4 key questions that make a case for your idea. – # 1 What is the problem you are trying to solve? – # 2 How are you solving the problem? – # 3 Who are you solving it for? – # 4 How is your solution different from what is already available? Time: 3 minutes Tiger Venture Competition
Tiger Rocket Pitch Competition Registration – Online via InterAmerican University Web Page – Program Details included – Promotional Kit included Winner Selection Criterias – TBD Prizes: – 1 - $200 Cash Prize per Interamerican Campus Judges – Five (5) - Seven (7) Judges per Campus – Three (3) Faculty, Two (2) Regional Entrepreneurs, Two (2) Student Body Members Tiger Venture Competition
Tiger Business Idea Competition The Tiger Business Idea competition is designed to promote the establishment of innovative start-up businesses in Puerto Rico. Describe the business idea (100 words). Define the proposed product/service including value proposition and customer benefit. What important need would you fill with your product/idea? (300 words) Target market & Consumer – Estimate size and value of the overall market for your product or service, provide as much support as you can for your estimates. Who are your customers? Why will they buy this product/service at a price that will generate a profit for you(300 words) Competitive Landscape: Who is your competitivon? What’s your positioning versus competition? Do you have a sustainable competitive advantage? What it is, and more importantly how will you sustain it over time (300 words) Execution: Clear and detailed milestones for next 6 – 12 months. What resources are required (100 words) Team: Define each team member, background and role in the organization (100 words) Tiger Venture Competition
Tiger Business Idea Competition Registration – Online via InterAmerican University Web Page – Program Details included – Promotional Kit included Winner Selection Criterias – TBD Prizes: – 5 - $1,000 Scholarship – 5 Paid Summer Internship in The Coca-Cola Company Judges – Seven (7) Judges – Three (3) Faculty, Four (4) Island Entrepreneurs Tiger Venture Competition
Kick-Off Event (One Per Campus Same Day) Introduce and describe the TVC to all Inter Student Body. Introduction to entrepreneurship and the business idea competition. Describe guidelines/submission process/due dates. Questions and answers period Launch – January 2011 (TBD) Tiger Venture Competition
How to Participate Register – Must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student. Can participate as individual or as a team. Create a Participation Agreement (each participant much accept) Download – Participation kit (Use EnterPRize as reference) Attend all Supporting events and education workshops Submit the Business Idea (Spanish or English) Tiger Venture Competition
Business Idea Awards A team of entrepreneurs will select the Best Five (5) Business Ideas Each awardee will receive a $1,000 prize award. Each winner will be invited to participate in the EnterPRize Business Idea and Business Plan Competition. Tiger Venture Competition
Inter TVC Jan, Advertising and Promotion Period POS/Print Ad Campus Presentation Rally (put dates) Tiger Rocket Pitch Determine Date Start Business Idea Submission Determine Date Select Business Idea Winners Judges select winners by April 15, 2011 Winners announced on April 18,2011 Invited to Submit Ideas to EnterPRize due date April 28,2011
New Marketing Program #1 Destapa el empresario que hay en ti Descripción: Programa de Competencia de Negocios, basado en concepto de EnterPRize de Grupo Guayacán: a)Premios Coca-Cola Empresarial: Becas de $1,000 (5 Becas) para los 5 finalistas en Competencia de Negocios b)Duración: Competencia Anual será coordinada por la Facultad de Administración de Empresas y seguirá el modelo del Grupo Guayacán.Comienzo en Agosto 2010 c)Apoyo en Prensa: Primera Hora (1 Full Page/Full Color) d)Razón: La Universidad Interamericana es la institución más activa en el tema de empresarismo. Este concurso complementará los esfuerzos académicos de la institución. e)Costo y Valor anual de Competencia: $12,000 ($5K para Becas y $7K de medios).