The Lady, or the Tiger? Frank R. Stockton
Agree or disagree? If I do something wrong at home, the consequences are fair. Agree or disagree? If I do something wrong at school, the consequences are fair. Connect to story: The Lady, or The Tiger?— Frank Stockton
Physical test to determine guilt or innocence Unpleasant or dangerous experience Accusers believed supernatural forces controlled what happened If the accused person died in the ordeal, it was believed that justice was carried out in the afterlife. Surprisingly effective Justice in the Middle Ages- Trial by Ordeal
Ordeal By Hot Water Dip hand in boiling water to retrieve a stone. Depth of water was up to the wrist for one accusation, and up to the elbow for three.
Ordeal by Cold Water The accused person was tied up and thrown into deep, cold water. A person who floated was thought to be guilty; a person who sank was considered innocent. Unfortunately, those who sank often drowned before they could be hauled back up.
Ordeal by Ingestion The accused person must eat the poisonous calaber bean. A defendant who vomits up the bean is innocent. A defendant who becomes ill or dies is considered guilty.
Ordeal by Wind The accused is tied to a pole on a windy day, if the pole bent or broke then the accused was judged guilty.
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THEME The message about life or human nature that the author shares with the reader. Answers this question: What is the author saying about being human??? The author does not tell you the theme, it must be inferred
Formula for Finding Theme In (name of story), (author) suggests that when people (behave/think/feel like this), (this is the result). In Beauty and the Beast, Walt Disney suggests that when people judge each other by what they look like, they miss out on each other’s inner beauty.
How to Find a Theme Ask yourself… How does this story relate to MY life??? 1. What does the author wants me (the reader) to learn? 2. What is the author saying to me about being human? 3. What did the protagonist learn?
In Beauty and the Beast, Walt Disney suggests that when people judge each other by what they look like, they miss out on each other’s inner beauty. Evidence: In the movie, Belle and the townspeople hated the beast because of the way he looked. When Belle took the time to get to know the beast, she found out he was kind and gentle and they fell in love.
In (name of story), (author) suggests that when people (behave/think/feel like this), (this is the result). Sentence 1 & 2: In the story ___________ For example, (examples of the behavior) Sentence 3: As a result (consequence/result) Sentence 4: Concluding Sentence Therefore, (restate the theme)