IS A TEACHER IN ESTONIA A DIGITAL TIGER ? Enel Mägi Tiger Leap Foundation The Sixth Open Classroom Conference Stockholm, October 2007
Tiger Leap Program Tiger Leap Plus The Learning Tiger
Tiger Leap Program Computers and Internet Connections in Schools Basic ICT Courses for Teachers
Tiger Leap Plus Teachers’ ICT Competencies Educational Software
The Learning Tiger
e-learning environments e-portfolio mind mapping new media and collaboration projects in curriculum learning software and evaluation of web-pages knowledge control methods and meaningful learning tools for creating and sharing learning objects
Creating the curriculum of DT Choosing and training the trainers Training centres in all the regions
1500 teachers out of trained in a year part of the training is carried out in a VLE learning materials produced active networks of DT trainers/trainees
International projects eTwinning eMapps
Doris Lessing: “ …educated barbarians”
Thank you!