1 The FGDC and NIMA’s National Center for Geospatial Intelligence Standards (NCGIS) Tiger Team Presented by Julie Binder Maitra FGDC Standards Coordinator To FGDC Coordination Group March 4, 2003
2 The FGDC and NIMA’s NCGIS Tiger Team Topics Background on NCGIS NCGIS Strategy NCGIS Tiger Team –Methodology –Management Structure –Schedule –Relationship with FGDC Standards Activity –FGDC Participation Recommendations to FGDC
3 NIMA Standards Tiger Team developed recommendations (approved June 2002) for a comprehensive, enterprise-wide standards management policy and approach within NIMA : Establish a National Geospatial Intelligence Center for Standards (NCGIS) to consolidate NIMA standards activities Empower the Chief, Geospatial Intelligence Officer for Standards (CGIOS) to direct and lead the NCGIS Authorize a team (the NCGIS Tiger Team) to develop corporate strategy (roadmap) for NCGIS Background on NCGIS
4 Background on NCGIS (2) From September 18, 2002 NIMA Public Affairs Press Release …D/NIMA is establishing a National Center for Geospatial Intelligence Standards [that] will address standards issues relevant to enabling technologies, data architecture and software tools as NIMA moves toward implementing a comprehensive, enterprise-wide standards management policy for the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSGI)
5 NCGIS Strategy 1.Participate in International, National, and commercial standards development organizations – Evaluate standards for suitability to meet GI requirements – Communicate GI requirements to commercial vendors – Influence the development and evolution of International, National, and commercial standards 2.Interact with standards management groups 3.Lead the Geospatial Intelligence community in standards related activities As with the civilian community, the military and intelligence communities are increasing their reliance on external standards
6 NCGIS Tiger Team - Methodology Two phases 1.Internal NIMA Only – Define scope, roles and responsibilities, governance, policies and procedures for NCGIS operation and interaction with NIMA internal directorates and offices 2.External Stakeholder Involvement – Broad-based participation to address full scope of NCGIS Tiger Team Charter and Work Plan Three Working Groups 1.Relationships 2.Return-on-Investment 3.Standards Roadmap Consensus-based decisions, with final decisions from the Chair Each Working Group will develop White Paper(s), which will be assembled & integrated to produce final NCGIS Roadmap
7 NCGIS Tiger Team - Structure Establish outreach, governance, and perception management policies and business processes. Establish the rationale and metrics for standards forums and consortia participation and assessment of proposed standards to support future architectures. Plenary Chair: Ms. Teri Dempsey, ET, CGIOS Plenary Roles: Monitor status and progress of NCGIS Work Products Make decisions and approve results presented by Working Groups Disseminate critical information to NCGIS membership WG Chairs: To be elected by Working Group members General WG Roles: Develop Work Products (i.e., White Papers) Prepare Work Products for vetting to a wider audience through the NCGIS Plenary NCGIS Plenary NCGIS Working Groups Relationships WG Return-On-Investment WG Standards Roadmap WG White Paper(s) Establish a framework to determine how NIMA will develop and implement a standards Corporate Strategy.
8 NCGIS Tiger Team - Schedule NCGIS Timeline (Notional) 5 Nov May 2003 RelationshipsWG NCGIS Operations Return-on-Investment WG Standards Roadmap WG 19 Feb 2003 NIMA OnlyExternal Stakeholder Participation NIMA Only Review & Comment 1 st Draft External Participation Final Draft Preparation 30 May Feb Apr Apr May 2003 Draft Implementation Plan 5 Nov 2002
9 NCGIS Tiger Team - Relationship with FGDC Standards Activity Common interests –Increasing reliance on external standards –Unified stance on standards activities NIMA invited FGDC participation –I recommended participation from FGDC Standards WG & agency reps to INCITS L1
10 NCGIS Tiger Team – FGDC Participation Attending February 19 meeting Jack Huntley - USACE Tom Terry – Public XY Project Kevin Kirby - EPA Rick Pearsall – USGS Julie Binder Maitra – FGDC Staff Keith Thackrey (GSDI) - NIMA Other FGDC Participation John Eller & Charles Roswell - NIMA Anne O’Connor & April Avnayim – Census Barry Reff – FEMA
11 Recommendations to FGDC At its meeting, the NCGIS Tiger Team Relationships WG identified 5 levels of participation (from lowest to highest): 1.Non-participation 2.Monitoring 3.Participation 4.Influencing 5.Leadership
12 Recommendations to FGDC 1.Continue monitoring, participation, and influencing NCGIS Tiger Team activity 2.Adapt findings from NCGIS Tiger Team to develop a coherent FGDC standards stance 3.Continue coordination with NCGIS after delivery of NCGIS Tiger Team roadmap
13 What’s in a name?