Developing Open Educational Resources for Interprofessional Education Jacqui Williams, TIGER Academic Lead, De Montfort University Ming Nie, TIGER Evaluator, University of Leicester 12 May 2011 OER 11, Manchester
TIGER TIGER collects, develops and shares reusable, customisable Open Educational Resources (OERs) designed for Interprofessional Education (IPE) in Health and Social Care between the three institutions, academics, their existing communities of practice, employers and the wider community.
What is IPE? IPE IPE occurs when students learn about each other’s professional practice to enable more effective collaboration and improve health outcomes (Barr, 2002).
Regional IPE strategy
Developing interprofessional competencies, before and beyond registration The Three Strand Model Learning beyond registration Strand One Strand Two Strand Three Practise where possible How IPE is taught?
Competence Framework How IPE is taught?
The Leicester Model of IPE How IPE is taught?
Students in an IPE session
Local, national and international need for enabling IPE Need for OERs to benefit IPE in Health and Social Care Solve ongoing challenges in cross-professional collaboration by: – Identifying, collecting, developing and releasing reusable and customisable OERs – Enabling wider and open access to OERs in work-based settings Why OER for IPE?
Topics of TIGER OERsLearning hours Leicester model (Inequalities in Health)170 Learning Inter-Professionally30 Team working and collaborative practice (undergraduate & postgraduate) 52 Patient safety50 Service improvement30 Learning public health200 Interprofessional proactive care and rehabilitation10 TOSCE: Team Objective Structured Clinical Examination10 Postgraduate certificate in practice education400 Disability30 Mental health50 Dementia22.5 Prescribing90 Stroke20 Diabetes20 Diabetes in the young100 Neuro rehabilitation200 Listening50 Police, paramedic and midwifery IPE30 Interviews with IPE experts20 Total TIGER OERs
TIGER repository
TIGER quality process Teaching Material Publicly Usable Material OER Input from partners Screening IPR and © clearing Validation by users ReleaseEvaluationTransformation In e-format Accuracy, currency Understood by a non-specialist Can be used ‘as is’ Used in the teaching Recognise CAIPE principles Initial screening passed Align with health education curricular outcomes Self-contained Coherent standalone OER Editorial issues removed Legally clean and clear to be moved to the public domain Appropriate metadata Tagged for easy search Available in different formats Appropriate license assigned Created in accessible forms Easy navigation Easy to find the available formats Easy to download Accurate content Sufficient information attached to each OER Easy to repurpose User-friendly interface Upload to each agreed platform Feedback form associated with each OER Clear mechanism for end user to submit revised or repurposed OER Evaluate the use of OERs by stakeholders CRITERIAQUALITY If quality criteria not met
TIGER evaluation Key stakeholdersEvaluation anglesData collection methods Staff (academics, managers, copyright officer, technical support) Considerations in pedagogical design; challenges and problems in the process Semi-structured interviews Students Use of and access to OERs; benefits to learning; problems and difficulties in use Focus group interviews Semi-structured interviews Online questionnaire survey Practitioners Wider and open access in work-based settings Problems and difficulties in use Semi-structured interviews
Staff views Challenges in pedagogical design – Interaction is key for IPE – From face-to-face to OER – Facilitator guides – From contextualised to generic Issues in copyright – Third-party material – Different agreements
Student views First pilot: June 2011, De Montfort University Format: two half day workshops student Nurses, Social workers and Midwives Test two OERs: Dementia, Disability and Parenting Activity: Navigation through TIGER repository, review of the two OERs Group tasks to complete Focus groups for evaluation
Beyond TIGER SCORE Fellowship: Sept 2011 – Jun 2012 Support of 10 UK wide practice IPE champions in the use of the TIGER repository Evaluate the use and impact of the TIGER OERs on health care professionals in the UK
Contact us Website: Blog: Twitter: Jacqui Williams Ming Nie