Презентацията е разработена въз основа на учебника “Blue skies for Bulgaria” за 2 клас. Чрез нея се упражнява лексика, свързана с темата “Диви животни”, затвърждава се употребата на въпросителните структури “What’s this?”/”What are these?” и съответните им отговори “It’s a/an…”/”They’re …”. Въвеждат се въпросите “Is this a/an…?”/ “Are these…?” и съответните положителни и отрицателни кратки отговори. Wild animals
What's this? От 1-ви до 6-ти слайд се преговаря лексиката, взета в предходния урок (elephant, lion, zebra, monkey, tiger, bear). It’s a lion.
What's this? It’s a zebra.
What's this? It’s an elephant.
What's this? It’s a monkey.
What's this? It’s a tiger.
What's this? It’s a bear.
What are these? They‘re tiger . S
What are these? They‘re bear . S
What are these? They‘re monkey . S
Is this a bear ? No, it n’t. Is this an elephant ? Yes, it . is is Въвежда се въпросът “Is this a/an…?” и съответният отрицателен или положителен отговор. is
Is this a lion ? is No, it n’t. Is this a tiger ? is Yes, it . ОУ”Христо Ботев” с.Садина, общ.Попово
Are these lions? No, they n’t. Are these monkeys? Yes, they . are are
Are these tigers? No, they n’t. Are these zebras? Yes, they . are are
Guess! Is this a ...? It's a tiger. Учениците трябва да познаят коe животно е скрито, като задават въпроса “Is this a…?”, докато се разкриват части от картинката. It's a tiger.
Guess! Are these ... ? They're monkeys.
Guess! Are these ...? They're bears.
Let’s play a game! I spy with my little eye something beginning with b … Find the animal and click on it. Учениците трябва да посочат животното, което започва с буквата b. 3 4 2 1
No, it isn’t. Try again! Try again
Click here for the next one. That's right! It's a bear. Click here for the next one.
Let’s play a game! I spy with my little eye something beginning with m … Find the animal and click on it. Учениците трябва да посочат животното, което започва с буквата m. 2 4 3 1
No, it isn’t. Try again! Try again
That's right! It's a monkey.
How many ...? 2 … frogs … zebras … mouse … cats … elephants … bears … tigers … lions …monkeys 3 1 2 6 5 2 4 8
Crossword a b m n t i z e l s e r o k e y g e r e b r e p h a n t 1 3 2 o k e y 2 g e r 3 4 5 4 e b r e p h a n t 5
Click on the slide to listen to the song. Do you like songs? ♪ Lions and tigers in the zoo, bears and elephants zebras too. Count the monkeys two by two, all the animals in the zoo. Click on the slide to listen to the song.
page 36/ ex.6 Blue Skies for Bulgaria, Homework page 36/ ex.6 Blue Skies for Bulgaria, Students’ Book for the 2nd grade Do you like computer games? Click here and play games, solve puzzles and learn more about wild animals.
Goodbye! Created by: Iskra Petkova English teacher at Hristo Botev School, village of Sadina
Sources: Blue Skies for Bulgaria, Students’ Book for the 2nd grade Blue Skies for Bulgaria, CD for the 2nd grade Pictures downloaded from http://www.lenagold.ru/fon/clipart.html Games: http://www.kidscom.com/games/animal/animal.html http://www.sandiegozoo.org/kids/games/