1 Welcome to Cub Scout Leader Training
2 The Cubmaster & Cub Den Leader David Carlsen Assistant Council Commissioner for LDS Units
3 The Cub Scout Promise I, (name) promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack.
5 Great Books to Have
7 Video Segment - Pack Organization
8 The Cubmaster Provides overall pack leadership Leads in planning the pack program Leads monthly pack meetings Coordinates pack membership, recruiting and transition
10 The Cubmaster is Supported by the Pack committee Chartered organization District and council, through Commissioners District Cub Scout roundtables District committee District executive District training team
14 Cubmaster Leadership Skills Working with the pack team Effective communications Understanding and working with boys Projecting Cub Scout spirit
15 The Cub Scout Den Leader: Gives leadership to den program planning Gives leadership to den program planning Plans, prepares, and runs den meetings Plans, prepares, and runs den meetings Leads the den at pack events Leads the den at pack events Works with other pack leaders to ensure den success Works with other pack leaders to ensure den success Participates in pack program planning Participates in pack program planning
16 The Cub Scout Den Leader Is Supported by the: Cubmaster Cubmaster Pack committee Pack committee Chartered organization Chartered organization District and council, through District and council, through Commissioners Commissioners District Cub Scout roundtables District Cub Scout roundtables District committee District committee District executive District executive District training team District training team
18 Leadership Skills for Cub Scout Den Leaders Teamwork Teamwork Cooperation Cooperation Communication Communication Working with boys Working with boys Attitude Attitude Setting the Example Setting the Example
19 Cub Scout Leader Recognition Plan Recognition for adult leaders who build quality packs and dens that accomplish the purposes of Cub Scouting Requirements include tenure, completion of training, and achievement of performance goals Tiger Cub Den Leader Award Cub Scout Den Leader Award Webelos Den Leader Award Cubmaster Award Cub Scouter Award
20 The 10 Purposes of Cub Scouting Character Development Spiritual Growth Good Citizenship Sportsmanship and fitness Family understanding Respectful relationships Personal achievement Friendly service Fun and adventure Preparation for Boy Scouting
21 Video Segment - Advancement in Cub Scouting
22 The Advancement Method Grade-related and progressive An asset for parents Parents’ roles change as boys mature
23 Tiger Cub Advancement Tiger Cub totem Tiger Cub rank Tiger Tracks Parents are “adult partners” for all meetings and activities.
24 Cub Scout Advancement Bobcat Bear ArrowPoints Arrow Points Wolf Tiger Cubs
25 Webelos Advancement Activity badges Webelos badge Compass PointsCompass Points
26 The Arrow of Light Highest award in Cub Scouting Tied to the Webelos-to-Scout transition
27 Cub Scout Uniforming Sense of belonging Recognition Identification with Scouting
28 Adult Cub Scout Leader Uniforms
30 Summary: Advancement and Uniforming Advancement is grade-based and progressive Parents are key to advancement for Tiger Cubs, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts Leaders are key to advancement for Webelos Scouts Leaders set uniforming example for all
31 Video Segment - Program Planning
32 Planning in the Pack Built around monthly themes for Cub Scouts, activities for Tiger Cubs, and activity badges for Webelos Scouts Themes tie each pack meeting together Annual program planning conference The monthly pack leaders’ meeting
33 Cub Scout Camping Day camp Resident camp Family camping Pack camping Be sure to include pack camping in your annual program plans.
34 Cub Scout Pack Meetings Before the meeting Gathering Opening Program Tiger Cub and Cub Scout den skits and stunts Webelos den demonstrations Games Recognition Closing After the meeting
35 Cub Scout Den Meetings Before the meeting Before the meeting Gathering Gathering Opening Opening Business items Business items Activities Activities Closing Closing After the meeting After the meeting
36 Successful Den Leaders Remember That: Action is better than inactivity. Action is better than inactivity. Participation is better than watching. Participation is better than watching. Outdoors is more fun than indoors. Outdoors is more fun than indoors. The unusual is more exciting than the usual. The unusual is more exciting than the usual. The surprising is more interesting than the expected. The surprising is more interesting than the expected. The mysterious is more appealing than the obvious. The mysterious is more appealing than the obvious. The real thing is more appealing than a substitute. The real thing is more appealing than a substitute.
37 Six Great Den Meeting Secrets Planned well in advance Planned well in advance Make good use of all leaders Make good use of all leaders Use Program Helps, Cub Scout Leader Book Use Program Helps, Cub Scout Leader Book Use pack people resources Use pack people resources Anticipate any behavior problems Anticipate any behavior problems Have FUN! Have FUN!
38 Great Den Leaders Know: Boys need a fast-moving program. Boys need a fast-moving program. Energetic activities should be alternated with quiet ones. Energetic activities should be alternated with quiet ones. “Hands-on” is better than lecture. “Hands-on” is better than lecture. Boys will learn self-control when given guidelines. Boys will learn self-control when given guidelines. Codes of conduct work when used consistently. Codes of conduct work when used consistently. Have den rules. Have den rules. Form alliances between parents and the den leader. Form alliances between parents and the den leader.
39 Want More Ideas? Look in Scouting Magazine Look in Scouting Magazine Attend monthly roundtable meetings Attend monthly roundtable meetings Visit the Council Scout Shop Visit the Council Scout Shop Use online sites Use online sites Plan to attend Wood Badge Plan to attend Wood Badge
41 Thank You Trainers Trainers Participants Participants
42 The Challenge Helping boys grow into good men takes a lot of dedication and knowledge. Helping boys grow into good men takes a lot of dedication and knowledge. There may be times when you are disappointed or discouraged. There may be times when you are disappointed or discouraged. Try to remember the goals we are striving to reach: Try to remember the goals we are striving to reach: Character development Character development Citizenship training Citizenship training Personal fitness Personal fitness Let’s all do our best! Let’s all do our best!
43 The Cub Scout Promise I, (name) promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack.
44 Do Your Best!