The Tiger Shark by:Mitch Carney
Appearance Tiger sharks are named for the dark stripes that young tiger sharks have Strips disappear over time can grow to as long as 20 to 25 feet and weigh more than 1,900 pounds Their skin tone can range from blue to light green
Habitat and Diet Can be found in shallow tropical and sub tropical waters all over the world Tiger sharks are carnivores predators. Their diet includes fish, sea birds, dolphins, sea turtles. They have also been known to eat junk, like tires and license plates.
Behavior Very little is known about tiger sharks They tend to be more active towards sun set or at night. They have different behavioral patterns in various regions depending on the time of day.
Economic value The tiger shark is killed for its liver, fins, and skin. The liver has a high concentration of Vitamin A.
Sharks Eating hsc hsc