Capacity Building & TIGER Testimonies of Learning Movements & Showcases Dr. Zoltán Vekerdy 1, Dr. Benjamin Koetz 2 & Ir. Arno van Lieshout 1 1University of Twente, Faculty of Geoinformation Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC), Water Resources department 2European Space Agency
TIGER II TIGER I TIGER – Current & Planned Activities Development of African Capacity in Water Management Scientific Component Transition to Operations Component Development and Demonstration Component TCBF extension TIGER fellowships TIGER service development TIGER-NET TIGER Capacity Building Facility II TIGER Capacity Building Facility I Development Line of TIGER
TIGER is a contribution to the GEOSS TCBF (lead by ITC) created in 2006 offering: –Dedicated courses (in EU and in Africa) & E-learning; –Tailored technical support and research stages; Water Research Component – Support to 50 & 20 & 10 selected research projects in Africa –Regional Centres: AGHRYMET (Niger), RCMRD (Kenya), WRC (SA), OSS (TU); –Free EO data, free training material TIGER Capacity Building Facility (TCBF): Developing Knowledge and Scientific Capacity Key partners in TIGER: CEOS (with a strong support from the CSA), the African Ministerial Council on Water, the African Development Bank, the African Union Commission and the UN-Africa Water Group (UNESCO, UN- ECA), DWAF, R. of South Africa, GEOSS, World Bank, Cap-Net.
4 ISPRS Commission VI. Mid-Term Symposium: Cross-Border Education for Global Geo- Information TCBF approach Paradigm change was needed: Capacity Building Building on Capacity (Executive Seminar on Earth Observation for Improving Water Management in Africa, 2008: seminar.pdf) seminar.pdf There is an existing capacity in Africa; good starting point – Univerisities, regional centres, etc. – TIGER Capacity Building Facility Phase I – Other efforts (DevCoCast, GMES&Africa, etc.)
TCBF - Capacity Building of People
TIGER CBF activities Support of research projects Support to Regional Offices Fellowship programme (Alcantara) Support of Projects in research and publications: – AARSE conferences, – Special issue of Remote Sensing ‘Open’ TIGER Workshop Training Kit Cooperation with other networks and donors (World Bank, CapNet) Training courses on EO topics: – Basics of EO, – Water quality – Radar applications – Small reservoirs and water body mapping, etc.
Participants of CB actions 7
Countries Involved: Burkina Faso Chad DRC Egypt Ghana Kenya Madagascar Mali Morocco Namibia Republic of Congo Senegal South Africa Zambia TIGER Phase II - Research Component: 20 Research Projects Scientific Results presented in two special TIGER sessions The El Jadida Declaration – outcome of the AARSE2012 conference (2 nd November 2012) Recognising the importance and success of continued long term collaboration between European Space Agency and African scientists within the TIGER initiative on Earth Observation techniques related to water resources management; To support the dedicated activities in the TIGER Capacity Building Facility and within the new TIGER-NET project as essential component to prepare the African water resources expert for the exploitation of African National satellites and the upcoming SENTINEL satellite fleet of the European Space Agency
Bridge to TIGER-NET: Users - African Water Authorities
International Research Studies Collaboration between African scientists and European research institutes 1 year scientific visits Water Management Focus: Water quality & reservoir monitoring Irrigation monitoring Ecological & hydrological modeling Integrated Water Resource Management Implementation: Funded by the ESA Alcantara studies In studies funded each 100k€ TIGER – Alcantara Fellowships African – European research collaboration European Research Institutes
Empowerment of Regional Centers: Focus on the TCBF Regional Centers: AGHRYMET (Niger), RCMRD (Kenya), WRC (South Africa), OSS (Tunisia) Partnership with Cap-Net/UNDP for Training of the Trainers Partnership with World Bank in the Zambezi region TIGER Capacity Building Facility: TCBF activities for Project Extension: 350 k€ budget KO July 2012 Training Kit Zambia Trainings EMWIS workshop
Zambian EO Training Programme Objective: To train the key water professionals of Zambia’s public sector in the application of EO data for their day-to-day water management practices. Training Course TopicDate 1 Base-line mapping of small water bodies with optical and SAR data April Flood risk and flood event mappingTbd 3 Small water body and flood event mapping with the latest EO techniques (Sentinel-1) Tbd 4 Land cover and erosion mapping Tbd 5 Irrigation and crop water demand2 nd Q Integrated Water Resources Management4 th Q 2015
Training Kit 5 application topics (three-day courses): – Flood and water body mapping with SAR – Evapotranspiration and drought – Crops and irrigation – Land cover – Water Quality 1 cross-cutting topic: – Data acquisition 70 hours of teaching Freely accessible from the end of this year
Regional office trainings Four RO’s Preparation for the utilization of the TIGER Training Kit Feedback from the TIGER community Preparation for Cap-Net Training of Trainer courses in the RO’s regions
Training of Trainers – Cap-Net Phase 1: 4 Training of Trainers co-supported by Cap-Net and TCBF – 10 participants nominated by TCBF Regional Offices – 15 participants by Cap-Net – 2 courses were held in 2013: Land cover mapping in South Africa (SANSA, Cap-Net) – 260 applications – 30 participants from 18 African countries Water quality in Kenya (RCMRD, WaterCap) – 210 applications – 32 participants from 15 countries – 2 courses to be held in 2014 Crop and irrigation monitoring (OSS, Tunisia) Flood mapping (AGRHYMET, Niger) Phase 2: Further trainings – Given by Regional Offices and – Trained trainers 15
TIGER CBF point of contact: Websites: Latest Publications: TIGER Newletter #17 TIGER report