Wake Vortex Tiger Team Rocky Stone Sept. 18, 2014
Wake Vortex Tiger Team How do we move standards forward for wake vortex and Air Traffic Management applications?
Weather data from aircraft There is a long history of how weather data is data linked from aircraft Mostly this is done via the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) Limited use for “real-time” applications due to latency and limitations on the distribution of the data If we added the information to ADS-B, it would become ubiquitous and available to all who receive ADS-B data If on another link, would require ADS-B position data to either be replicated or correlated on the other link
Tiger Team kick-off meeting agenda Background presentations ICAO position and Way Forward, Jeff Crouch, Boeing, and Claude Lelaie, Airbus Review of Wake Turbulence Solution Concepts (RTCA DO-339), Ed Johnson, NASA SAE Wake Vortex Activities, Mikhail Kanevsky, IANS IANS vision on WV standardization roadmap, Mikhail Kanevsky, IANS Presentation from Paul Robinson, ATR Presentation from David Powell, Professor Emeritus from Stanford Turbulence R&D, Forecasting, nowcasting and measurements, Larry Cornman, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Tiger Team Charter Author a “white paper” on suggested future standards activities for wake vortex, Air Traffic Management, and weather applications Work outside the structure of the Federal Advisory Committee Act Work sponsored by RTCA, but not sanctioned by the RTCA Program Management Committee (PMC) Work plan Primarily work via and telcons/webex Meet 2 or 3 times in one day plenary sessions Gain consensus on a white paper with suggested standards activities and deliver the white paper to the FAA and RTCA PMC by the end of 2014
Tiger Team Findings and Recommendations Finding NumberSource Flight Deck / Ground Based FindingRecommendation(s) 1 Rocky StoneFlight DeckADS-B is a suitable link to carry additional information to enable wake vortex, ATM, and weather applications. It is desirable to use ADS-B as ADS-B enables both ground based and flight deck based applications via air-to-ground and air-to-air information transfer. Also, position information is integral to the additional information being sent, and if another link is used, the position information from ADS-B must be associated with it or replicated on the additional link. The additional information fits within the structure of the 1090 MHz extended squitter without exceeding the ICAO 6.2 squitter per second limit. Additional validation is required to ensure the parameters described in DO-339 are all of the appropriate parameters necessary, and their attributes are adequately specified to accomplish the desired tasks. ATM and weather applications may not need the same data update rates as wake vortex applications. a) Begin standards development work on to add the parameters described in DO-339 to 1090 MHz ADS-B and UAT. b) There has been a large amount of work already done to show how the base set of wake data can be transmitted over ADS-B in preliminary versions of DO-339, this information should be published in the near term as a supplement to DO-339. Lee Nguyenc) Develop airborne equipment MOPS to new data link technologies including three components (airport surface, satellite and terrestrial en route/TMA systems) for ATM and weather applications described in DO-339 as well as the data link services described in the RTCA SC-206 Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Aeronautical Information (AI) and Meteorological (MET) Data Link Services. These MOPS’s correspond to the SC-206 MASPS. 2 Rocky StoneFlight DeckContinue standards development work for Eddy Dissipation Rate (EDR) to develop a standard that will have repeatable and comparable outputs with operational relevance. a) Continue a standards development effort, including validation, to define an EDR standard that produces repeatable and comparable outputs b) Continue standard development effort, including validation, to refine an onboard EDR system MOPS that produces repeatable and comparable outputs. The standard addresses correlation of the unfiltered EDR outputs and the associated errors with the calculated GTG forecast, and the veracity of the GTG forecast in conjunction with the observed turbulence experienced by aircraft passing through the regions of forecast turbulence.
Next Steps Face-to-face meeting at RTCA, Oct. 7-8 Mature white paper Mature findings and recommendations Define areas of agreement and disagreement Complete white paper by the end of this year