Oklahoma State Department of Health Information Priscilla Tiger RD/LD eWIC Project Manager WIC Program Consultant Oklahoma State Department of Health WIC Service
Plans for eWIC Original Plan First Modification to Plan Current Plan Pilot in March 2014 Rollout June 2014 to November 2014 First Modification to Plan Pilot in September 2014 Rollout January 2015 to June 2015 Current Plan Pilot in March 2015 Rollout June 2014 to September 2015
Plans for eWIC Delay due to our MIS not being ready In house developed system-PHOCIS Addition of household account module Revision of food package & food issuance Complete revision of our vendor management system New platform for PHOCIS
Pilot Plans Pilot Phase 2 counties – 6 clinics Monthly caseload varies from 136 to 2436 Variety of vendors Proximity to largest cities Added 4 counties – 6 clinics to end of pilot phase – not in original plan
Rollout Plans Rollout Phase 4 Phases Revised from 6 phases in original plan Shortened from 6 months to 4 months Rolling out from our pilot areas
Pilot & Rollout Map eWIC Pilot eWIC Rollout Areas Cimarron Nowata Ottawa Texas Beaver Harper Woods Alfalfa Grant Kay Craig Osage Washington Woodward Delaware Garfield Noble Rogers eWIC Pilot Mayes Major Pawnee Ellis 2 Counties, 6 Clinics, 27 Vendors March - April 2015 Tulsa Dewey Payne Wagoner Blaine Kingfisher Logan Creek Cherokee Adair 4 Counties, 6 Clinics, 18 Vendors May 2015 Roger Mills Lincoln Custer Muskogee Canadian Oklahoma Okmulgee Okfuskee Sequoyah McIntosh Beckham Washita Cleveland Pottawotomie Haskell Caddo Seminole eWIC Rollout Areas Grady Hughes Greer Kiowa Pittsburg Latimer Le Flore McClain Phase 1 – 7 Counties, 23 Clinics, 103 Vendors June 2015 The pilot and rollout map is on the WIC Training Link under the eWIC section. To get a better look and to learn about eWIC please visit this site often as we will be adding information as we move forward with eWIC. Harmon Comanche Garvin Pontotoc Jackson Coal Stephens Murray Pushmataha Phase 2 –14 Counties, 27 Clinics, 130 Vendors July 2015 Tillman Cotton Johnston Atoka Carter Jefferson McCurtain Marshall Choctaw Phase 3 – 25 Counties, 28 Clinics, 81 Vendors August 2015 Love Bryan Phase 4 – 24 Counties, 30 Clinics, 99 Vendors September 2015 06/16/2014
eWIC Training Committee Plan and schedule trainings for staff Schedule clinics for rollout Develop training material Meet at least monthly
Vendor Outreach Ongoing contact with vendors Regional meetings for integrated vendors Onsite trainings for vendors with stand beside devices
State Staff Trainings Training of nutrition & vendor staff, state helpdesk staff on process Training of financial staff Scheduled for January/February
Staff Trainings Staff website with eWIC section Written documents PowerPoint presentations with voiceover Presentation at Annual WIC State Nutrition Conferences
Staff Trainings Quarterly Video Conferences Regional trainings Fridays prior to rollout–Policy & PHOCIS 2 Sessions per day 1 Nutrition staff and 1 policy staff
Rollout Days Caseload & size of clinic Number of clinics each week Two staff members for clinics over 1000 caseload One staff member for clinics under 1000 caseload Generally two days at each clinic Number of clinics each week Four to eight clinics per week
Rollout Days Staff needed per week Vary upon number & size of clinics Maximum six staff members per day Nine staff members to pull from
Rollout Days Scheduling rollout Challenging Clinics and slots on calendar for staff to pick from Decided to make it fun
Regional Training Princesses Nutrition Staff Policy Staff
Rollout Princesses Nutrition Staff
Scheduling Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Jasmine/Ariel Clinic A Mulan/Belle Clinic E Week 1 Rapunzel/Ariel Clinic B Pocahontas/Belle Clinic F Cinderella/ Tiana Regional Training A Jasmine/Mulan Clinic C Week 2 Rapunzel/Belle Clinic G Pocahontas/Ariel Clinic D Aurora/ Snow White Regional Training B
Celebration Plan to celebrate!
Contact Information Priscilla Tiger RD/LD priscilt@health.ok.gov 405-271-4676 ext 50023 918-237-3105