Mentor: Philipp Kraemer By: Jennifer Wu Use Netspeak So I Know You’re Real
Defining Virtual Worlds MMORPGSimulationsUser Creation
What Can We Find in Virtual Worlds? Business IBM Education Exhibit at UK Marketing Mercedes -Benz
The Digital Crowd: Anonymity
Computer-generated virtual agents Human-controlled avatars
What do avatars do?
Immersion: Default to Different Embodiment & Extension & Expression
Being a Part of the Digital Crowd Presence: realism Co-Presence: Interaction Presence + Co-Presence = Human-ness
The Big Question What factors influence the perception of human-ness in avatars?
Design Does style of language affect perception of humanness in avatars? IV: Human/non-human appearance Use of Netspeak or formal English in introduction
Procedure 83 students at the University of Kentucky participated in an online survey: Which is controlled by a human?
Conditions 1.Man with Netspeak/ Tiger with formal English 2.Man with formal engish/ Tiger with Netspeak 3.Images only 4.Text Only NetspeakFormal
The avatar that used Netspeak (behaved realistically) was more frequently perceived as human-controlled even when it looked like a tiger instead of a man (appeared realistically).
Control Group Results Choices of Human Controlled Avatar without Introductions Choices of Human Generated Introduction without Images
What does this mean? Style of language is a significant factor in behavioral realism. Utilizing Netspeak can promote presence in virtual interactions. Ummm....lyke... R u evn real?!?!?!? How do i no???????
Bibliography Bainbridge, W. S. (2007). The Scientific Research Potential of Virtual Worlds. Science, 317 [5837], Jarmon, L. (2009). Pedagogy and Learning in the Virtual World of Second Life. Encylopedia of Distance Learning, (2), Mennecke, B. E., Triplett, J. L., Hassall, L. M., Conde, Z. J., & Heer, R. (2011). An examination of a theory of embodied social presence in virtual worlds. Decision Sciences, 42 (2), Neustaedter, C., & Fedorovskaya, E. (2009). Presenting Identity in a Virtual World through Avatar Appearances. Proceedings of Graphics Interface pages, Second Life website. You, S., & Sundar, S. S. (2013). I feel for my avatar: embodied perception in Ves. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,