EPA G EOPLATFORM & T RIBAL B OUNDARIES. H OW DID WE GET HERE ? July 2010. National Tribal Caucus requested a clearinghouse of EPA’s tribal environmental.


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Presentation transcript:


H OW DID WE GET HERE ? July National Tribal Caucus requested a clearinghouse of EPA’s tribal environmental data OEI’s Senior management asked staff to research adding a tribal query to Envirofacts (EPA’s one stop source for environmental information) AIEO management suggested OEI lead effort, but requested it become a component of EPA’s geoplatform (EPA effort under development at the time) vs a separate and distinct effort 2

E NVIROFACTS T RIBAL S EARCH C APABILITY Provide capability to search: Globally by tribe and/or within a 1, 3, or 10 miles buffer By specific tribes in the continental US or Alaska Native Villages and/or within a selected buffer Our team (OEI, AIEO, and initially ORD) worked with OGC to develop disclaimer language for appropriate use of the query and the boundary data 3


T RIBAL B OUNDARY L AYER G OALS Provide tribal layer as a web service for use across EPA Use best-available federal datasets (for federally- recognized tribes) Web service can be “consumed” by EPA Program & Regional Offices for use in mapping tools where visualizing or querying data by tribal lands would be useful. Provide enhanced analysis and decision-making capability to EPA, tribes, and the interested public Enhanced tribal layer does not preclude regions from using other tribal data from their region. 5

E NHANCED T RIBAL B OUNDARY L AYER Request from AIEO to use federally authorized sources for tribal boundaries for federally-recognized tribes. Started with: Census 2010 tribal boundaries (TIGER) IND_3 version 18 – a version enhanced by an OITA staff member and NTEC to include OK allotments Bureau of Land Management data for AK and some states like Wisconsin Comparison 6

D ISCLAIMER Limitations of use: EPA makes no claims regarding the accuracy or precision of data concerning Indian country locations or boundaries on the EnviroFacts website. EPA has simply attempted to collect certain readily available information relating to Indian country locations. Questions concerning data should be referred to the originating program or Agency which can be identified in the Envirofacts tribal query metadata files Lower48 Tribal Areas, Alaska Reservation, Alaska Native Villages, or Alaska Native Allotments. The Indian country locations shown here are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or boundaries or the land status of any specific location. The inclusion of Indian country information on the EnviroFacts website does not represent any final EPA action addressing Indian country locations or boundaries. This information cannot be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States or third parties. EPA reserves the right to change information on EnviroFacts at any time without public notice. EPA uses the US Census Bureau 2010 tribal boundary layer data when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in the lower 48 United States and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office when developing environmental data query responses for tribes in Alaska. The tribal boundary locations identified are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or boundaries, or the land status of any specific location. EPA seeks to use the best available national federal data and may refine the tribal boundary layer in the future as more accurate national federal data becomes available.Lower48 Tribal AreasAlaska ReservationAlaska Native VillagesAlaska Native Allotments Additional Information: For the purposes of the tribal search (http: // Envirofacts depicts Alaska Native Villages as geographic information system (GIS) data points, not polygons.http: // 7

W HERE TO F IND : As a service in GeoPlatform – called “EPA Service: Tribal Areas” EF/Tribal/MapServer In the EDG – “EPA Tribal Areas” – available as a file gdb and service 8

T O S UBMIT D ISCREPENCIES People can submit their discrepencies and/or questions to OEI will forward those on to the appropriate metadata owners at the agencies who are the stewards of the datasets (Census, BIA, etc) at regular intervals. We cannot provide any assurances that any of the concerns will be addressed by the respective agencies. EPA does not have the authority to change any of the source data that makes up the EPA tribal query data layer. 9

10 U.S. Census and EPA’s OK Allotments Layer (developed from BIA’s LRIS database). You can see that Census 2010 just delineates whole counties as tribal lands (with the exception of counties in pandhandle and upper north- western part of the state) Pink areas are OK allotments – current dataset in EPA’s tribal layer

Q UESTIONS /C OMMENTS For additional information, please contact: Beth Jackson, OEI Tribal Program Coordinator, or Lee Pera, Geoplatform Team, or 11