Open Source Autodesk’s Web – GIS Strategy Frank von Arx, Director Topobase Solutions
Web 1.0 & Web 2.0 Web 1.0 – first generation publishing Britannica OnlineYahoo! Personal web pagesPublished content –Mapping: MapGuide 6.x, MapXtreme, ArcIMS –MapServer Web 2.0 – second generation participation WikipediaGoogle MapsYouTube/MySpace BlogsPersonal & collaborative content –Mapping: MapGuide Open Source & FDO
Geospatial standards Proprietary Legacy Geospatial follows IT standards SQL SQL/MM XML GML Web services WMS, WFS, WCS, and more Open Source GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) –Began 1982 MapServer
Why open source? Web mapping becomes commoditized –Active open source community for MapServer –Less complex than desktop applications –Revenue opportunities in vertical applications
For customers: –Frequent software releases –Faster innovation and support for standards –Lower cost of ownership For the open-source geospatial community: –Increased presence and credibility –Access to a modern, well-built platform –Technical expertise, sponsorship and business resources For Autodesk: –Broader adoption of integrated technology –Increased demand for related products Benefits
Autodesk’s commitment to open source Sponsor of the Open Geospatial Foundation - Support for MapGuide and FDO projects –Member of technical steering committee –Active with developer community –Continued code contributions MapGuide open source development drives Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise –Shared code base –Enterprise version includes QA and support Regional Chapters have started China India Japan Canada In formation Brazil France Germany Italy
MapGuide Open Source Launch Interactive mapping applications Advanced server-based geospatial platform –Publish Autodesk, ESRI, MapInfo, Oracle data and more –Create geospatial websites and web services –State-of-the-art code base Advanced, open source data access –Same FDO technology as Map 3D and Raster Design –Direct access to different data formats –Read and write data access without data loss –Advanced API for web and server solutions
What is MapGuide? Deliver web-based applications with: Dynamic data visualization Feature selection and attribute display Data query and update Geospatial analysis Available as Open source Commercial version
MapGuide Open Source Downloads 25,000
Broad platform support Deploy on… Serve with… Develop with… Browse with… Windows Linux Microsoft IIS Apache Web Server Safari Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer
FDO data access technology Work seamlessly with geospatial data Open source Consistent access to many data formats Embrace and extend open standards Platform/technology-neutral Developer can solve business, not technology challenges
FDO Data Access Technology Autodesk FDO Providers –SDF –ESRI SHP –WFS Vector Data Formats –JPG2K –MrSID ® –TIFF/GeoTIFF –ECW –DEM –ESRI Grid –DTED –NITF –WMS Raster Data Formats Databases –Oracle ® –Oracle Spatial –ArcSDE ® –MySQL ® –Microsoft ® SQL Server ™ –ODBC Compliant DB
FDO Data Access Technology Autodesk, Third-Party and Open Source FDO Providers –SDF –ESRI SHP –WFS –DXF –MapInfo.TAB –U.S. Census TIGER/Line –Arc/Info Coverage –GML –U.K..NTF –INTERLIS –S-57 (ENC) Vector Data Formats –JPG2K –MrSID ® –TIFF/GeoTIFF –ECW –DEM –ESRI Grid –DTED –NITF –WMS –NLAPS Data Format –GRASS –GMT –HDF4/HDF5 –HFA –PCRaster –RMF –SGI –WCS Raster Data Formats Databases –Oracle ® –Oracle Spatial –ArcSDE ® –MySQL ® –Microsoft ® SQL Server ™ –ODBC Compliant DB –ESRI Personal GeoDatabase –GRASS –PostGIS/PostgreSQL –SDTS –KML
FDO Downloads 4,000
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