Unit Five Planning a Motorcycle Tour with Mom Extension Activity By Joy Huang
You are going to see a map of Taiwan and many beautiful pictures. Click on each picture and discuss with your classmates the name of the place and where it is located.
After finding out the place, talk about what you know about the place. For example, have you been there? How did you feel about the place? Do you want to visit the place (again)? Why or why not? After finding out the place, talk about what you know about the place. For example, have you been there? How did you feel about the place? Do you want to visit the place (again)? Why or why not? Then, move on to the next picture after telling the classmates what you know.
Taipei 101, Taipei City tours-du-monde/images/taipei-101.jpg
Yeliou, Taipei County _665.jpg
The Miaokou food market, Keelung
Kueishan Island, Yilan _1.jpg
Dongshan River Recreation Area, Yilan
Taroko Gorge, Hualien Ridge/photo/taroko01.jpg
Hsiukuluan River, Hualien
Sanshiantai, Taitung
Guanshan, Taitung
Orchid Island, Taitung / jpg
The E-luan-bi Lighthouse, Pingtung
The Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, Kaohsiung City 龍虎塔.jpg
Tainan Chikan Towers, Tainan twcam. webcam/file_dir/15_1.jpg
Mt. Ali, Chiayi
Kuken, Yunlin
The Buddha Statue, Changhua xinsrc_ jpg
Tunghai University, Taichung
Hsitou, Nantou County 南投溪頭大學池.jpg
Taian Hot Spring, Miaoli
Aowanda, Nantou
Nei Wan, Hsinchu 一鄉一休閒網頁 / 內灣火車站.file/ B 內灣車站.jpg
Shihmen Reservoir, Taoyuan
Chimei Island, Penghu
Mt. Taiwu, Kinmen
Matsu, Lienchiang County