KENYA By: Noah Bailey
Kenya’s Flag The red stripe stands for the struggle for independence The green represents Kenya's agriculture and natural resources The black stripe represents the African people The thin white stripe stands for peace and unity
Political Map Bordering Countries Somalia Ethiopia Sudan Uganda Tanzania N
Physical map N
In Arabs begin settling coastal areas In 1500s - Portuguese try to establish foothold on Kenyan coast but are driven off by Swahili states and Omani Arabs by late 17th century. In Kenyan African Union (KAU) formed to campaign for African independence In Kenya gains independence, with Kenyatta as prime minister.
In Kenyatta dies in office, succeeded by Vice- President Daniel arap Moi In 1992 December - Moi re-elected in multi-party elections In 2002 December - Opposition presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki wins a landslide victory ending Daniel arap Moi's 24- year rule In 2007 December - Presidential elections. President Kibaki claims victory and a second term in office.
3 Symbols This is the Coat of Arms for Kenya This is the symbol for the Kenya Wildlife service that manages over 30 national parks and reserves. This symbol (an orange on the map of Kenya) is the symbol for the Orange Democratic Party (ODM).
Travel Tips US passport holders need a visa to enter Kenya No immunizations are required if traveling from the US, however vaccinations are highly recommended for yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis, and diphtheria. If you travel to Kenya you will be 8 hours ahead. The rainy seasons are in November and between March and May.
Government The current leader of Kenya is Kibaki. This is his second term in office. Kenya is a Republic just like the United States of America A country that Kenya is alike is the USA. They have similar governments.
RELIGIONS 66% of the population are Christians 10% to 20% are Muslim About 1% is Hindu The remainder practice traditional religions or local branches of Christianity
ECONOMY A majority of Kenyans are engaged in farming The unemployment rate is 40%. The unemployment Rate in the US is only about 5% The percentage of people living in poverty is 50%. The US percent is 12%
Tourism & Attractions There are 31 national parks and reserves in Kenya. Many of these are among the top rated tourist attractions in Kenya. The capital and largest city Nairobi is the most populated city in east Africa. This is a very good place to visit. Mount Kenya has spectacular scenery. Plus you can participate in mountain climbing.
Technology and Transportation Kenya’s well developed transportation system has suffered from neglect in recent years. Nairobi Matatu buses are a common way to travel in Nairobi. Every neighborhood has their own custom decorated Matatus. 3.2% of Kenya’s population uses the internet
SOCIETY Life expectancy is 48 years old, while the US life expectancy is 77. The average number of children born to one women is 5 in Kenya and only 2 in the US. The literacy rate is 85% in Kenya. The US literacy rate is 99%. There are two official languages in Kenya, English and Kiswahili.
CURRENT ISSUES Famine is always a major threat in Kenya due to drought and floods AIDS have been a significant problem in Kenya, with HIV rates as high as 10% President Kibaki claims victory in December 2007 for a second term in office, prompting a wave of unrest. Opposition says polls were rigged. 1 Thing we can do to help is contribute money to organizations trying to fight these issues.