Negative Oxygen Isotope Effect on the Static Spin Stripe Order in La Ba CuO 4 Z. Guguchia, 1 R. Khasanov, 2 M. Bendele, 1 E. Pomjakushina, 3 K. Conder, 3 A. Shengelaya, 4 and H. Keller 1 1 Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Switzerland 2 Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 3 Laboratory for Developments and Methods, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 4 Department of Physics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia Tbilisi State University
Zurab Guguchia Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Switzerland Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy, Paul-Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Negative Oxygen Isotope Effect on the Static Spin Stripe Order in La Ba CuO 4
Thank you! Markus Bendele Hugo Keller Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy (PSI) Rustem Khasanov Laboratory for Developments and Methods (PSI) Ekaterina Pomjakushina Kazimierz Conder Alexander Shengelaya Tbilisi State University
Outline Introduction Stripe phase in cuprates. Isotope effects. Muon Spin Rotation (µSR) technique. Results Oxygen Isotope Effect (OIE) on superconductivity in LBCO-1/8. OIE on the static spin stripe order in LBCO-1/8. Pressure effects in LBCO-1/8. Conclusions
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Central issues in Cuprates What is microscopic origin of the stripe formation? Do stripes promote or inhibit superconductivity?
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TRIUMF Muon-spin rotation (μSR) technique
Courtesy of H. Luetkens homogeneous amplitude → magnetic volume fraction frequency → average local magnetic field Damping → magnetic field distribution / magnetic fluctuations time ( s) μSR in magnetic materials inhomogeneous
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Summary of the OIE studies on La Ba CuO 4 Give evidence for stripe-lattice coupling in cuprates. Superconductivity and stripe order are competing phenomena.
Pressure experiments with SQUID and µSR Z. Guguchia et al., New Journal of Physics 15, (2013). SQUID (Maisuradze and Guguchia) µSR ( R. Khasanov )
Pressure effect on static spin-stripe order in La Ba CuO 4 V sc (0) + V m (0) ≈ 1 Z. Guguchia et al., New Journal of Physics 15, (2013).
LTT structural phase under pressure Hücker et al, PRL 104, (2010).
Pressure effect on the isotope effect inLBCO-1/8
Conclusions Large negative OIE’s were observed on T so and V m in La 2-x Ba x CuO 4 (x = 1/8). Oxygen-isotope shifts of T c and T SO are sign reversed. Stripe order and superconductivity are competing orders. The electron-lattice interaction is involved in the stripe formation and is a crucial factor controlling the competition between the stripe order and superconductivity. A purely electronic mechanism can not explain the present isotope and pressure experiments!
Thank you very much for your attention! Thank you very much for your attention!
Superconducting properties of La Ba CuO 4 Diamond anvil cell for high- pressure measurements. Dr. A. Maisuradze, University of Zurich.
M. Hücker et. al., PRL 104, (2010).
B. Nachumi et. al., PRB 58, 8760 (1998).
T LTO→LTT ≈ 50 K T HTT→LTO ≈ 200 K
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