P. 405 Label the country that is bordered by both the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas and switched alliances when WWI began. Color this country green.
Label the country that had colonies in every part of world (hint…the sun never set on this empire) Color this country orange
Label the country whose navy rivaled that of Great Britain. Stripe this country blue.
Label the first country to declare war in WWI (hint…its Archduke was assassinated). Dot this country brown.
Label the country that Austria- Hungary declared war on after the assassination. Color this country yellow.
Label the country that came to Serbia’s aid due to ethnic ties (hint…slavs) Color this country purple.
Label the empire that Serbia gained independence from (hint…it’s called Turkey now) Dot this country blue.
Label the final country to join the Central Powers in 1915 Stripe this country brown
Label the country that joined Great Britain and Russia in the Triple Entente (hint…Paris) Color this country purple
Label the country that is bordered by France, Germany & the Netherlands and had its own alliance with Great Britain Color this country green
THE REST OF THE ALLIES Label and color Portugal orange Label and color Ireland green Label and color Greece purple Label and color Romania yellow Label and color Portugal orange Label and color Ireland green Label and color Greece purple Label and color Romania yellow